杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script

杰瑞发布于24 Oct 09:11

这是一部令人眼花缭乱,绝对能带给您感官刺激的动作电影。一个新娘(乌玛•瑟曼Uma Thurman饰)在自己的婚礼上遭到了暗杀,婚礼瞬间变成了一片狼籍的红色。幸运的是,新娘并没有就此消失,而是在四年后苏醒过来,并且接受了高强度的各种各样的武术训练,开始踏上了自己的复仇之路,在世界各地寻找给自己带来灾难的人。当然,她也遇到了许多阻碍。日本杀手(刘玉玲饰)就是其中之一。   这场红色的复仇之路究竟伸向何处,又有多曲折呢?

EXT. HOTEL WINDOW LEDGE - NIGHT Bill on the ledge of the hotel window(the 26th floor), outside L.F. O'Boyle's room.
He's yanked her outside and he's dangling her over the side by her hair.
Do you know a Jessica?
L.F. Is too hysterical to answer.
Well, she knows you.
He drops her... ............ SHE FALLS. ................................SHE SPLATS.
Bill watches her all the way down. When he's confident her fall was fatal, he leaves the ledge.
Chapter seven "The lonely grave of Paula Schultz" EXT. BUDD'S TRAILER - DAY A small camper trailer sits all by its lonesome in the middle of a barren Texas wasteland.
A SUBTITLE APPEARS under this image; "The city of Austin Texas." A fist knocks on the trailer door.
It opens, revealing Bill's brother, BUDD. Not the Slick Willie Budd with the black suit and the silver-tipped black cowboy boots we saw earlier at the wedding chapel massacre.
No, the Budd we see now is the Budd who climbed into a bottle five years ago, got himself comfortable, and decided to live there.
Bill, looking like a cool million, stands out in the dirt and dust of Budd's lot of land, looking up at his brother in his natural habitat. In the B.G. we can see Elle Driver lounging in the passenger's seat.
Budd, surprised by the visitor, says;
Great day in the morning. Brother Bill livin up to his familia obligation.
How ya doin' Budd?
Oh, you know my life, Bill, just a mad rush of wild parties and wealthy women.
Budd squints into the sun at the woman in Bill's ear.
Is that that tall blonde one-eyed Viking b*tch in the passenger seat?
It's Elle. Want to say hello?
Never said "bye," can't seem to think of a reason to say, "hi."
INT. - BILL'S CAR Elle inside, blasting both the stereo and the air conditioner. She watches the brotherly scene play out through the car windshield. Obviously there's no love lost between Elle and Budd.
What'd ya wanna talk about?
Are you not going to invite me in?