杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script


这是一部令人眼花缭乱,绝对能带给您感官刺激的动作电影。一个新娘(乌玛•瑟曼Uma Thurman饰)在自己的婚礼上遭到了暗杀,婚礼瞬间变成了一片狼籍的红色。幸运的是,新娘并没有就此消失,而是在四年后苏醒过来,并且接受了高强度的各种各样的武术训练,开始踏上了自己的复仇之路,在世界各地寻找给自己带来灾难的人。当然,她也遇到了许多阻碍。日本杀手(刘玉玲饰)就是其中之一。   这场红色的复仇之路究竟伸向何处,又有多曲折呢?

She rises.
CU The BRIDE through the scrim, eyes down.
Pai Mei laughs to himself again; PAI MEI * You breathe hard. The one hundred steps robbed you of your wind. So your stupidity is matched only by your weakness. Is there anything you do well? -- Oh yes, you speak Japanese. I despise the Goddamn Japs. I would of thought an American would be immune to their pompous posturing. Apparently I was wrong. Go to that drawer.
The blonde woman goes to a large wooden drawer. She opens the drawer; it's filled with just about every type of edged weapon.
PAI MEI * Remove the sword.
The Bride removes a large heavy steel Chinese Sword.
Pai Mei rises from his sitting position, for the first time, parts the scrim, and approaches the Bride.
PAI MEI * Let's see how good you really are.
Try and land a blow. If you land a single blow, I'll bow down and call you master.
The Bride doesn't need a second invitation, she ATTACKS with the sword.
He deftly moves out of the way.
The fighting style is now like an old Shaw Brothers film, with Pai Mei dodging at will all of her rapid sword slashes.
Quick and skillful as her moves are, they're also full of Effort and Frustration. While Pai Mei effortlessly moves out of the sword's path.
He's amused, and Speaks while they fight; PAI MEI * Come now woman, can't you even hit an old man?
She tries more... PAI MEI * Your ability really is quite poor.
He STRIKES her with a blow to her chest, delivered with an open palm, that sends her flying back hard against the wall.
She clutches her chest, and coughs up some blood.
Pai Mei laughs as he strokes his long white beard.
PAI MEI * Ha ha ha ha ha! I've fought cripples who posed more of a challenge. Now fight, goddamn you! She ATTACKS with a wild cat's fury.
He HOPS and DUCKS and DODGES her sword easily.
He LEAPS HIGH UP IN THE AIR, and LANDS STANDING on the Blade of her Sword.
The Bride looks down the blade of her sword and can't believe it.
Pai Mei smiles at her and says; PAI MEI * From here you can get an excellent view of my foot.
He does a BACKFLIP off the sword, kicking the Bride in the face in mid-somersault sending her CRASHING THROUGH A WOOD WALL.
The Bride emerges from the hole in the wall.