Lady and the Tramp 小姐与流氓 1955 Movie Script


迪士尼动画片 Lady, a golden cocker spaniel, meets up with a mongrel dog who calls himself the Tramp. He is obviously from the wrong side of town, but happenings at Lady's home make her decide to travel with him for a while. This turns out to be a bad move, as no dog is above the law.

- Aye.
It seems only yesterday she was cuttin' her teeth on Jim Dear's slippers, and now there she is, a full-grown lady.
Wearin' the greatest honour man can bestow.
The badge of faith and respectability.
That's right, Miss Lady.
As my grandpappy, Old Reliable, used to say... I don't recollect if I've ever mentioned Old Reliable before.
Aye, you have, laddie.
Oh, yeah.
It's Jim Dear.
Please excuse me.
Hello, there, Lady.
Come on, beat you home.
You win again.
Steady, now.
Well, what have we here?
Big girl now, huh?
AII right.
Ladies first.
You know, darling, with Lady here I'd say life is quite complete.
Yes, dear.
I don't imagine anything could ever take her place in our hearts.
What a day!
Well, now to dig up some breakfast.
Cute little rascals.