永无止境 Limitless Movie Script


影片改编自阿兰·格里恩出版于2001年的小说《黑暗领域》,主演布莱德利·库珀曾获得2011年全球最性感男人称号。   潦倒颓废的艾迪·莫莱(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)是一个丢掉了工作,缺乏灵感的作家。许久不联系的前小舅子给他一种正处在试验阶段的药物--NZT。服用一次之后艾迪发现自己精力充沛,思维清晰,行动敏捷,甚至能在瞬间把一些平时不易留意的细节和信息重新组合和整理并得出推论。等他再一次去找小舅子却发现他已被人谋杀,屋里一片狼藉,紧跟着是一群杀手的追杀。死里逃生的艾迪终于发现了这款名为NZT的新药物能使人发挥大脑100%的能力。借助NZT,艾迪重获灵感并进入上流社会,但大获成功之余也有致命的作用:身体不适和失控的情绪。而此时埃迪已不能离开这种药,这使他进入了一个黑暗领域,而杀手也在暗处监视他

I hope it has. I hope you don't think you've gotten enough from me.
On to the next.
Well, in order for a career to evolve, I'm gonna have to move on.
That you would even think that would only show me how unprepared you are to be on your own.
- I mean, you do know you're a freak.
- (LAUGHS) Your deductive powers are a gift from God, or chance, or a stray shot of sperm, or whatever, or whoever the hell wrote your life script, a gift not earned.
You do not know what I know because you have not earned those powers.
You're careless with those powers.
You flaunt them and you throw them around like a brat with his trust fund.
You haven't had to climb up all the greasy little rungs.
You haven't been bored blind at the fundraisers. You haven't done the time in that first marriage to the girl with the right father.
You think you can leap over all in a single bound.
You haven't had to bribe or charm or threaten your way to a seat at that table. You don't know how to assess your competition because you haven't competed.
Don't make me your competition.
Now, I'll open up a line of credit for you.
You'll be wanting a few toys.
Hotel rooms were no longer an option.
What I needed was a bunker.
There's a built-in safe, central surveillance, vault grade pneumatic doors.
It's an unparalleled three-tier security system.
A fortress with a hell of a view.
- What's the asking price?
- Eight-point-five.
I'll take it.
Right away, it was obvious he was on NZT.