Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇


Bestselling winner of the 1986 Pulitzer Prize,Lonesome Dove is an American classic c. First publish ed in 1985, Larry McMurtry' epic novel combined flawless writing with a storyline and setting that gripped the popular imagination, and ultimately resulted in a series of four novels and an Emmy-winning television miniseries. 《孤鸽镇》是1986年普利策奖的畅销书得主,是一部美国经典小说。拉里·麦默特里(Larry McMurtry)的史诗小说于1985年首次出版,将完美的写作与吸引大众想象力的故事情节和背景相结合,最终创作了一系列四部小说和一部艾美奖电视迷你剧。

Captain Weaver turned to the young man. “I gave you an order. These men are all bluff. They’re just cowboys. Go get the horses.” As the young man passed, Augustus reached down and caught his bridle.
“If you want them horses, why don’t you go get ’em?” he said. “You’re the Captain.” “I call this treason,” Weaver said. “You men can be hung for treason.” Call had been looking over the rest of the troop. Throughout his career in the Rangers he had been bothered by how sluggishly the cavalry performed, and the troop he saw watching the proceedings looked more sluggish than most. Half the men had gone to sleep in their saddles the moment the column stopped, and the horses all looked as if they needed a month off on good grass.
“How far is Ogallala?” Call asked.
“I’m not interested in Ogallala,” Weaver said. “I’m interested in Red Cloud.” “We don’t know this Red Cloud,” Augustus said. “But if he’s much of a war chief you better hope you don’t catch him. I doubt an Indian would even consent to eat them ponies you’re riding. I never saw a worse-mounted bunch of men.” “Well, we’ve been out ten days, and it’s none of your concern,” Weaver said, trembling with indignation. Although Augustus was doing most of the talking, it was Call whom he looked at with hatred.
“Let’s go,” Call said. “This is pointless talk.” He saw that the little Captain was keyed up to the point where it wouldn’t take much to provoke him into an explosion.
“Jim, get them horses,” Weaver said.
“No,” Call said. “You can’t have our horses. And I’ll give you some advice, too. Your troop’s exhausted. If you was to find Indians you’d be the one’s massacred, most likely. You don’t just need fresh horses, you need fresh men.” “What I don’t need is advice from a goddamn cowboy,” Weaver said.
“We’ve fought Comanches and Kiowas and Mexican bandits for twenty years and we’re still here,” Call said. “You’d do well to listen.” “If I see you in town I’ll box your goddamn ears,” Dixon said, addressing himself to Call.
Call ignored the man. He turned and started to ride away. Augustus released the young lieutenant’s bridle.
“Leave me that nigger,” Weaver said. “I’ve heard they can smell Indians. They’re just red niggers, anyway.” “No,” Call said. “I’d be afraid you’d mistreat him.” They went to the wagon. When they turned to look, the cavalry troop was still sitting there.
“Reckon they’ll charge?” Augustus asked.
“Charge a cow herd?” Call said. “I wouldn’t think so. Weaver’s mad, but not that mad.” They waited, but the cavalry merely sat on the ridge for a few minutes and then turned and rode away.THAT AFTERNOON they crossed the Platte River just east of Ogallala and turned the herd northwest. From the slopes north of the river they saw the little collection of shacks and frame buildings that made up the town. The cowboys were so entranced by the sight that they could hardly keep their minds on their business long enough to drive the cattle to a good bed-ground.
Call tried to caution them a little, mentioning that there were said to be Indians on the rampage, but the men scarcely heard him. Even Dish Boggett was in a fever to go. Call let six men go in first: Dish, Soupy, Bert, Jasper, Needle and the Irishman. They all put on fresh shirts and raced away as if a hundred Comanches were after them.
Augustus, setting up his tent, stopped a moment to watch them run. The cowboys whooped and waved their hats as they raced.
“Look at ’em go, Lorie,” Augustus said. “Can’t wait to get to town.” Lorena was uninterested. She had only one thing on her mind.
“When are you going to see her?” she asked.
“Oh, tomorrow will do,” Augustus said. “We’ll both go.” “I’ll stay here,” Lorena said. “I’d be too scared of what you’d say.” Her hands were shaking at the thought of the woman, but she helped Gus peg the tent.
“I’ve a mind to go to Ogallala myself,” Augustus said. “Would you like to come?” “Why do you want to?” she asked.
“Well, it’s a town, of sorts,” he said. “I’ve a mind to do something civilized, like eat dinner in a restaurant. If that’s asking too much, I could at least go in a barroom and drink a glass of whiskey.
“Come with me,” he added. “They’ve probably got a store or two. We could buy you some clothes.” Lorena considered it. She had been wearing men’s clothes since Gus rescued her. There hadn’t been any place to buy any others. She would need a dress if she went with Gus to see the woman. But she didn’t know if she really wanted to go see her—although she had built up a good deal of curiosity about her. Lots of curiosity, but more fear. It was a strange life, just staying in the tent and talking to no one but Gus, but she was used to it. The thought of town frightened her almost as much as the thought of the woman.
“Do you want a whore or what?” she asked, when she saw him getting ready to go to town.
“Why would I want a whore, when I’ve got you?” he asked. “You womenfolk have got strange minds. What I’d mainly like to do is sit in a chair and drink whiskey. I wouldn’t mind a hand or two of cards either.” “You want that other woman, and you’ve got me,” Lorena said. “You could want us both and a whore too, I guess. Go get one if you want—I don’t care.” She almost hoped he would. It would strengthen her case against the other woman.
“Come with me,” Augustus said. “I’ll buy you some new dresses.” “Just buy me one yourself,” Lorena said. “Buy one you like.” “But I don’t know your size,” he said. “Why are you so shy of towns? There ain’t a soul in that town who’s ever met you.” She wouldn’t go, so he gave up asking her and went himself, stopping at the wagon a minute to make sure Po Campo would take her her food. Call was there, looking restless. Since most of the experienced hands were gone, he had decided to stay with the herd and buy supplies tomorrow once some of them got back.
The herd was grazing peacefully on the rolling slopes. The hands who were left, boys mostly, looked melancholy at the thought of the opportunities they were missing.
“Come ride to town with me,” Augustus said to Call. “This place is quiet as a church on Monday. I’ll buy you a meal and we can sit and talk philosophy.” “No, I’ll stay,” Call said. “I don’t know a philosophy.” “Your philosophy is to worry too much,” Augustus said. “Jake would have gone with me quick enough if we hadn’t hung him.” “Damn it, he brought it on himself,” Call said.