战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script


本来美国移民尤瑞(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)的家族生意是开饭馆。但是一个偶然的机会令他踏入了军火生意的大门,从此开始了贩卖武器的“职业生涯”。尤瑞遇事机智,胆大心细,这不仅让他成功俘获了美女埃娃的心,还使得他在地下军火生意中愈战愈勇。但是,不顺心的事情也随之而来:出现了生意上的死对头和一名老是盯着他的国际警察;弟弟染上毒瘾,并在一单生意交易中丧了命,而且,尽管他在竭力维护自己在家庭里的正义形象,但却掩盖不了真相。

F*** you! What are you doing?
F*** you! F*** you! No, you don't f*** him.
We can work something out.
No, Vit! We have a deal! The first and most important rule of gunrunning... is never get shot with your own merchandise.
Are you okay?
I think so.
So what do we do now?
Let's celebrate.
That narco guerilla had his facts right.
After shipping it stateside, the return on that blow netted me a healthy profit.
It would have been even better, except one kilo never made it back.
Vit! To this day I don't know what Vitaly was running away from.
Maybe just from Vitaly.
I found him twelve days, two thousand miles, and one hundred and fifty grams later in a Bolivian boarding house.
Of course, my dream girl had gone there before me.
Vit! Come on! F***, Yuri's back.
It's my brother, Yuri.
He's my big brother.
What the f*** is that?
I was young, but I remember.
Look... I start in Odessa, right?
And then I work my way to the Crimean You'll be dead before you f***ing reach Kiev! We're going home. Come on, You f***! You f***ing f***! You f***ing f***... What the f*** is your problem?
Come on, Vit.