战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script


本来美国移民尤瑞(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)的家族生意是开饭馆。但是一个偶然的机会令他踏入了军火生意的大门,从此开始了贩卖武器的“职业生涯”。尤瑞遇事机智,胆大心细,这不仅让他成功俘获了美女埃娃的心,还使得他在地下军火生意中愈战愈勇。但是,不顺心的事情也随之而来:出现了生意上的死对头和一名老是盯着他的国际警察;弟弟染上毒瘾,并在一单生意交易中丧了命,而且,尽管他在竭力维护自己在家庭里的正义形象,但却掩盖不了真相。

I didn't know how much Ava really knew... and how much she ignored.
She never questioned how a guy in the transport business... could afford to give her 18 carat diamond earrings.
I guess she didn't want to hear the answer.
Mostly, She seemed content that I was a good provider... and as far as she was concerned, loyal.
Despite the other women... I always made love to Ava as if she was the only one.
I'm not saying I didn't have setbacks.
It's not called gunrunning for nothing.
You gotta be fast on your feet.
Some revolutions blow over the guns even get there.
There's nothing's more expensive for an arms dealer than peace.
Truce? What do you mean, truce?
The guns are already on their way.
Peace talks.
All right, forget it.
I'll re-route the shipment to the Balkans.
When they talk about war, they keep their word.
Of course, a new breed of gunrunner requires a new breed of cop.
Henry, take Park Avenue.
Take 'em on a tour of New Jersey.
Yuri, there are men going through our garbage cans.
Well, it's probably just some reporters looking for somebody else.
I have a feeling they don't work for the tabloids.
Yuri... is there anything I should be worried about?
No, nothing.