Macbeth Movie Script


格拉米斯国王麦克白收到三个女巫的预言,说他有一天会成为苏格兰国王。麦克白被野心所吞噬,并被妻子激励采取行动,他谋杀了国王,为自己夺取了王位。 Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.

Things bad begun make themselves strong by ill.
Come, seeling night.
Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day and, with thy bloody and invisible hand, cancel... and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale.
(Macbeth) Get up!
Tonight we hold a solemn supper, sir, and I'll request your presence.
Let Your Highness command upon me to the which my duties are, with a most indissoluble tie, forever knit.
Ride you this afternoon?
Ay, my good Lord.
We should have else desired your good advice in this day's council, but we'll take tomorrow.
Is't far you ride?
As far, my Lord, as will fill up the time 'twixt this and supper, go not my horse the better.
Fail not our feast.
My Lord, I will not.
We hear our bloody cousin is bestowed in England, not confessing his cruel parricide, filling his hearers with strange invention.
But of that tomorrow.
Hie you to horse.
Adieu, till you return at night.
Goes Fleance with you?
Ay, my good Lord.
Our time does call upon's.
Within this hour, at most, I will advise you where to plant yourselves, acquaint you with the perfect spy o' the time the moment on't, for it must be done tonight, and something from the palace.
Always thought that I require a clearness.
And with him, to leave no rubs nor botches in the work, Fleance, his son that keeps him company, whose absence is no less material to me than is his father's, must embrace the fate of that dark hour.