第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script


也许在爱情的天平上,神与人是平等的。   死神为了体验人世的悲欢,化身翩翩少年Joe Black(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 饰) 降落到新闻媒体大亨William Parrish(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)的家中。机缘巧合,Joe爱上了William的小女儿Susan (克莱尔•馥兰妮 Claire Forlani饰),品尝到人世间爱情的甘醇。这孩子般纯真的,迷恋花生酱的翩翩死神与他美丽端庄的,拥有夜色深邃眼睛的女孩会有着什么样不同寻常的奇遇?他们把爱情谱成乐章,邀你我一同聆听。 Death, who takes the form of a young man killed in an accident, asks a media mogul to act as his guide to teach him about life on Earth and, in the process, he falls in love with the mogul's daughter.

Well...I'm -- uh, Joe. And you're Susan. And I - uh - have this weak feeling in my knees --
And is your heart beating strangely?
Faster. And I want the scent from underneath your ears and the taste of your lips and the touch of your tongue to stay with me -- forever. An intake of breath. She is about to speak. JOE (cont'd) And you don't even have to say a word. Their faces inches from each other's.
I have to go home. But neither Susan nor Joe moves. SUSAN (cont'd) Don't I? Her question makes Joe, almost involuntarily, smile. Susan takes the opportunity to step back from him. The SOUND of someone at the door, it is Parrish, Susan turns, comprehends immediately how the situation will appear to him.
Goodnight, Daddy. She drifts right past him, exits. Joe and Parrish are left alone now, eyes on each other's.
Hello, Bill.
(carefully) Hello. Would you like to join me, Quince and Allison for a nightcap?
Um -- not right now. An awkward moment.
Okay. Goodnight.
Goodnight. Parrish turns and exits, Joe's head inclines, he breathes in the scent of his collar.
Good morning, Mr. Parrish.
Good morning, Jennifer.
The Board is waiting.
Didn't you call a Board meeting? Jennifer sees Parrish is trying to right his balance, she knows better than to press the point. JENNIFER (cont'd) Yes, the members are waiting. They are in the Board room now.Jennifer nods respectfully as Parrish doesn't cast a flicker of any further surprise, heads straight for the Board room, Joe right beside him. INT. BOARD ROOM, PARRISH COMMUNICATIONS - DAY Parrish and Joe enter, the entire Board is assembled, includ- ing Drew, Quince and Sloane.
Good morning. An odd mixture of responses, the Board sheepish and at the same time looking their most dutiful at this odd meeting, its sudden convening clearly a problem for Parrish, a prob- lem which he does not attempt to hide, only control.
Did you want to have a cup of coffee or something, Bill?
I don't think so. Do you? Drew gets the message, at the same time Joe is checking out all the attendees, his eyes come to rest on Drew.
(to Parrish) To get to the point, we have re- ceived new information from John Bontecou concerning his desires for this company to merge with his, and we wanted to set the details before you. A moment as Parrish looks around, the moment extends, it appears he may not ever answer.
That's it?
Bontecou wants a quick response and --
The answer is no, quick enough for you?
Don't you want to hear the details?
I'm not interested in the details. And I'm not interested in the big picture either. What I am inter- ersted in is how my Board got conven- ed behind my back, is entertaining a further proposal from a man whom it offends me to do business with, moreover has the audacity to present this to me like a prize fish, and I am expected to clap for it like a performing seal. No, thank you.
So I am to understand from your re- sponse that you do not want to hear the details of Bontecou's offer?