第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script


也许在爱情的天平上,神与人是平等的。   死神为了体验人世的悲欢,化身翩翩少年Joe Black(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 饰) 降落到新闻媒体大亨William Parrish(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)的家中。机缘巧合,Joe爱上了William的小女儿Susan (克莱尔•馥兰妮 Claire Forlani饰),品尝到人世间爱情的甘醇。这孩子般纯真的,迷恋花生酱的翩翩死神与他美丽端庄的,拥有夜色深邃眼睛的女孩会有着什么样不同寻常的奇遇?他们把爱情谱成乐章,邀你我一同聆听。 Death, who takes the form of a young man killed in an accident, asks a media mogul to act as his guide to teach him about life on Earth and, in the process, he falls in love with the mogul's daughter.

I guess you have your reasons.
Yes. Silence.
Now that we have a moment, would you mind if I expressed my gratitude for what you did for Susan?Joe waits. PARRISH (cont'd) I never heard her speak of any man as she spoke of you -- It was always what I wanted for her -- but what happens to her now?
Don't blow smoke up my ass, you'll ruin my autopsy. Joe barely manages a smile, now looks back longingly at the crowd below, searching. PARRISH (cont'd) It's hard to let go, isn't it?
That's life. What can I tell you? A silence, an understanding there is another more to say. Joe looks inquiringly at Parrish as if to say "Shall we?", Parrish nods and Joe turns with him. They set off now away from the party, up a meadow that leads to a hill overlooking the river.
Down below, the party guests' faces are lit by the initial fireworks display. Among them is Susan, but her interest isn't there. Not something pulls her attention, an over- powering feeling that compels her to turn and see, at a distance, Parrish and Joe walking away up the meadow. Some- thing about the sight saddens and at the same time frightens her, she turns back to the party, dazed, tracing on the fireworks.
Up the hill Parrish's step slows, Joe slowing with him.
I'm getting a little dizzy, I can feel my heart pumping -- But Parrish doesn't wait for a response, just continues on up the meadow, towards the rise of the hill, Joe in step with him.PARRISH (cont'd) Should I be afraid? Joe stops, Parrish stops with him.
Not a man like you. Parrish smiles faintly, takes a deep breath, he strides out again, Joe right with him. In tandem they continue on and disappear over the crest of the hill. A barrage of fireworks lights up the sky.
Down below, Susan, in a pained reflex, again turns and looks up towards the hill. There is nobody there. She hesitates, now glides away from the party, her step quickens as she walks up towards the hill. Susan halts, in the distance a figure is approaching from over the crest of the hill where Joe and Parrish disappeared. He is heading straight for her, she tries to make him out, seems to recognize him, starts to walk towards him as if pulled by a magnet. Now she stops again. It is a man, he keeps coming, and now that he is close and recognizes him.
Joe...? He smiles quizzically, hasn't quite heard her, stands right in front of her, loose, smiling, disoriented and yet so appealing. They are riveted on each other, uneasy and yet close. SUSAN (cont'd) You're here... He is trying to get his bearings.
-- You bet. Something about him makes Susan slightly tentative.
Where did you go? Joe shrugs, scratches his head endearingly, uncertain of time and place.
I don't know -- y'know, I don't know -- it's all blurred up and hazy. And would y'know what I mean if I said I don't think it's worth figuring out? Some realization is dawning on Susan, it renders her lightheaded. JOE (cont'd) ...But now I'm back. Susan regards Joe intently, searching his face for an answer.
(gently) That's it?
Well, I don't know what else to say. It's a helluva party --
You think so?
Yeah...and you're the prettier thing here. Susan blinks, a long silence, she touches the sleeve of his jacket, now her hand traces the outline of his face, she regards him intently and the dilemma she has been struggling with the last moments fades away. Susan slowly realizes this is the Young Man. She is shaken, a sudden intake of breath.
Hey, you all right? His hand politely touches her elbow, courteously lending her support.
The coffee shop -- The Young Man nods, pleased with her recognition.
I asked you if I said something wrong and you said it was so right it scared you. Susan holds herself very still. YOUNG MAN (cont'd) And forgive me for saying this -- but then you said -- and it's been with me ever since --
What has --? He hesitates.
You said you liked me.
No --