第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script


也许在爱情的天平上,神与人是平等的。   死神为了体验人世的悲欢,化身翩翩少年Joe Black(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 饰) 降落到新闻媒体大亨William Parrish(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)的家中。机缘巧合,Joe爱上了William的小女儿Susan (克莱尔•馥兰妮 Claire Forlani饰),品尝到人世间爱情的甘醇。这孩子般纯真的,迷恋花生酱的翩翩死神与他美丽端庄的,拥有夜色深邃眼睛的女孩会有着什么样不同寻常的奇遇?他们把爱情谱成乐章,邀你我一同聆听。 Death, who takes the form of a young man killed in an accident, asks a media mogul to act as his guide to teach him about life on Earth and, in the process, he falls in love with the mogul's daughter.

Sounds good.
It's going to be great --
Do you think I need a haircut?
Bill, after this deal, you'll be able to afford one. Parrish smiles, they step into the elevator. INT. BONTECOU EXECUTIVE OFFICES - DAY Parrish and Drew emerge from the elevator, Parrish observing the overkill decor.
Their PR guy asked me, what did I think Parrish Communications stood for, that's principle and ethics- wise? I came up with something, but then it occurred to me, why don't I ask Bill? What do you think? A moment, Parrish shrugs.
Our first annual report, must be thirty-five years ago now, I owned two stations, I wrote down a state- ment of purpose, that one day you would wake up to a Parrish radio station, read a Parrish paper at breakfast, catch our news on tele- vision during the day, and go to bed with one of our books or magazines and you would always be told the truth and in the bargain, have a good time.
That's great! Wait 'til I show it to Bontecou. Drew opens a door, a conference room, a circle of top exec- utives, now stepping out from the group is a huge, white- haired man, JOHN BONTECOU, 55.
Bill, thanks for coming over... (to Drew) And how're you doing today, Drew? (to Parrish) You've got a firecracker here, the kid's really set the table.
Good, good. Glad to hear it.
We've met before, y'know, that White House function, the President had you on his right and you know where I was?
I'm sorry, I don't recall --
Left field somewhere. Well, Bill, I want to come in from the outfield, bat cleanup like you have, learn the plush ropes --
I thought you were buying my company.
Oh, Mr. Parrish, I could never buy Parrish Communications. I could pay for it, of course, but it would always have your imprint. Silence. Parrish looks around at the circle of 'suits', Bontecou holding away.
Well, that's very nice to hear. Drew nods excitedly. EXT. NEW YORK HOSPITAL CORNELL MEDICAL CENTER - DAY The busy medical community at 68th Street and New York Avenue. INT. CORINTH COFFEE SHOP, NEW YORK AVENUE - DAY A thriving eatery diagonally across from the hospital's entrance, customers cheek-by-jowl as a pair of waiters juggle breakfasts served to a noisy throng of doctors, residents and interns. Susan has squeezed into a seat in the corner. A counterman, with a smile and a greeting, places a cup of coffee in front of her. A sense this is a daily ritual, arming herself for the day; immediately she becomes aware of a man behind her speaking into the pay phone. An attractive YOUNG MAN, early 30's, a pair of suitcase at his feet, a raincoat slung over his shoulder.
...Honey, you've got to go on... there's a time to sow and a time to reap, you sow now and forget about him... yeah, I liked him, I don't like him anymore... because you're my honey and anybody messes with you messes with me -- I'm on a plane in a minute... as soon as I get my phone in, you're my first call, that's a promise... where you going now?... good, hit the books, get that degree, one day we'll hang out a shingle together... you bet, honey... later.The Young Man hangs up, turns around and sits down to an overflowing plate of eggs and meat, potatoes and toast, the counterman refills his cup and the Young Man ties into the breakfast, eating it with such relish that Susan can't take her eyes off him. He senses her eyes, glances over, his cheeks filled with a mouthful of food, swallows embarrassedly.
Good morning, I was talking kind of loud there, sorry.
Not at all. It was fascinating.
Oh yeah? What was 'fascinating' about it?
You and 'Honey'?
My kid sister. She just broke up with her boyfriend and she's thinking about dropping out of law school.
I'm sorry --
Nothing to be sorry about. That's the way with men and women, isn't it?
What's the way?
Nothing lasts.