第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script


也许在爱情的天平上,神与人是平等的。   死神为了体验人世的悲欢,化身翩翩少年Joe Black(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 饰) 降落到新闻媒体大亨William Parrish(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)的家中。机缘巧合,Joe爱上了William的小女儿Susan (克莱尔•馥兰妮 Claire Forlani饰),品尝到人世间爱情的甘醇。这孩子般纯真的,迷恋花生酱的翩翩死神与他美丽端庄的,拥有夜色深邃眼睛的女孩会有着什么样不同寻常的奇遇?他们把爱情谱成乐章,邀你我一同聆听。 Death, who takes the form of a young man killed in an accident, asks a media mogul to act as his guide to teach him about life on Earth and, in the process, he falls in love with the mogul's daughter.

Raise away.
What is the nature of your interest in Joe?
Well, remember how you told me about "lightning striking"? The nature of it's in there somewhere. Parrish drops another cube of ice in his drink, takes his time before answering.
I won't say you may be getting onto shaken ground --
Then what will you say?
I don't think this is the lightning you are looking for. Drew's a good man. I know I didn't seem to be completely in his corner before, but I've come to appreciate --
Now we love Drew and Joe in verbo- ten? What's going on?
When you say 'nothing' that way, it's not nothing.
Then what is it?
It's something.She kisses him. SUSAN (cont'd) G'night, Daddy. See you tomorrow. This is getting interesting. She goes.

INT. THE CARLYLE HOTEL - NEXT DAY A large suite, room service carts creaking with pots of coffee and half-eaten pastries. The Board of Parrish Communications is gathered, absent are Parrish and Quince. Felicia, Drew's secretary, takes notes.
...I know you're all as uncomfor- table as I am to be meeting without Bill, but I got a call last night from John Bontecou. Not only is he still interested, he is sweetening his offer. (a moment) Although it pains me to say it, in my opinion Bill Parrish dealt with us peremptorily in dismissing any deal with Bontecou. Therefore, I'm sorry to say that if we are to exam- ine this new offer responsibly as the Board of Directors of Parrish Communications, we must do so with- out its Chairman. (another moment) Oh yes, there is one additional

Bontecou is so anxious to get us, he said he'd take Parrish Communications with our Chairman or without. The Board falls silent. Sloane, a peer of Parrish's, fidgets. Drew milks the moment. DREW (cont'D) It's no surprise if I suggest to you that the Bill Parrish we know is not the Bill Parrish you saw yesterday. You heard that speech -- some strange emotional rationale to buttress a knee-jerk rejection of a legitimate offer. Does it not strike you that something is possibly affecting this man's judgement? More specifically -- his judgement to make a critical business decision? Silence, the Board clocking Drew's argument. DREW (cont'D) It's not pleasant to say the follow- ing, but I would be remiss, in this crisis, if I did not. When we pre- sent Bill with the improved Bontecou offer, and if he refuses to let us consider it -- once more makes an adamant or emotional rejection -- we will have no choice but to seek an alternative.
And what would that be?
Bill's birthday is the day after tomorrow. There is a provisory by- law in our charter. Per the discre- tion of the Board, Corporate off- icers can be retired at age sixty- five.
You're taking this too far, Drew.
Am I not obligated to? Drew leans over to Felicia, speaks quietly and she leaves the room. DREW (cont'd) How did this all come about? Crisis -- Bill Parrish, crisis -- his com- pany, crisis for us. It came about with the arrival on the scene of -- Mr. Joe Black. Mr. Joe who? Joe Black. He attends our Board meet- int, he sleeps at Bill's house, re- sides in his office. Never leaves his side. And, in my opinion, is always in his ear. Telling him what to do and Bill is listening. Who is Joe Black? What is his relationship to Bill Parrish? And most important, what is behind his influence on our Chairman?
You're building this thing up too much, Drew. He's had advisors be- fore. Nobody tells Bill what to do. The door opens and Felicia enters followed by Quince, sur- prised at seeing a convened Board, but still he is all smiles.
Thank you for coming.
Hello, Quince.
Hi, Ed, hi folks, I didn't know everybody was going to be here, what a nice surprise. What's the big confab?
(acidly) This is a secret meeting.
(to Quince) I hope you'll respect its nature -- What we're trying to do here is gather our thoughts -- in light of Bill's rejection of Bontecou's offer -- and make an appropriate presenta- tion to him as to how we think the company might proceed. Won't you share with our Board the information you gave me last night?Quince hesitates, then realizes what Drew has on his mind. He nods confidently to Drew, then turns importantly to the Board.
Well, I'm happy to tell you I've got good news. As I was telling Drew, I've been making a little hay while the Bontecou sun was shining -- two, possibly three new and boiling hot prospects for merger.