Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script


Synopsis: In this action-thriller based of the 2007 masterpiece, A task-force along with two groups of marines go after a terrorist with motives beyond your average terrorist to stop WWII. 简介: 在这部以2007年的杰作为基础的惊悚片中,一支特遣部队和两支海军陆战队一起追捕一名恐怖分子,其动机超出了普通恐怖分子阻止二战的能力。


Bloody nice shooting there, Soap!
Captain Price:

Good work, Soap. Everyone on me. Let's move out. They continue on through western Russia and make their way to the extraction zone After leaving the barn, they approach a main road, where a T72 and a large convoy of trucks are unloading troops.

Bravo Six, be advised, that AC-130 is entering your airspace at this time. Out.
AC-130 FCO:

Bravo Six, this is Warhammer standing by. Heard you could use some help down there. Call the shot.
Captain Price:

Warhammer - Fire mission - danger close! Enemy armour and infantry, 100 metres to the southwest of our location, over.
AC-130 FCO:

Copy. Comin' down. Cannon fire can be seen raining down from the sky, obliterating the convoy. The team cheers as the convoy is destroyed.

Ah, that's bloody outrageous, mate!
AC-130 FCO:

Bravo Six, we'll cover you all the way to the way to the extraction zone. You'd better get movin'.
Captain Price:

Roger that, Warhammer. We're moving now. Out. (To the squad) Come on, let's go!  We cut back to Sgt. Paul Jackson, Lt. Vasquez, and the Marines, who are defending the M1 Abrams tank War Pig against an oncoming group of OpFor soldiers.

Jackson! Get your ass on the line now! We got hostiles moving in from the north!

Bravo Six we're clear of the Bog, thanks for the assist. We'll hold down the left flank and provide supporting fire, out. Enemy helicopters are seen about to drop troops.

Enemy air assault! Get ready! They're moving on both our flanks!
Lt. Vasquez:

Grab an RPG and take out those choppers! Sgt. Paul Jackson, Lt. Vasquez, and the Marines defend M1 Abrams tank War Pig against an oncoming group of OpFor soldiers.

Jackson! Get your ass on the line now! We got hostiles moving in from the north!

Bravo Six we're clear of the Bog, thanks for the assist. We'll hold down the left flank and provide supporting fire, out. Enemy helicopters are seen about to drop troops.

Enemy air assault! Get ready! They're moving on both our flanks!
Lt. Vasquez:

Grab an RPG and take out those choppers!

Right flaaaank! They're moving in on the right flank! They move through the streets, War Pig picks out targets.

  Gunner, two/three story building, 11/1 o'clock/11:30, ground floor/second floor (balcony)!

  Target acquired!

  Fire! War Pig fires its cannon, taking out enemy targets. The tank stands by for another target.

  Up! War Pig continues to pick and take out targets. The Marines suppress enough enemies in the streets. 

Bravo Six, we're moving up.
Lt. Vazquez:

Roger that! War Pig moves down the street. Jackson clears OpFor forces building by building.

Bravo Six this is War Pig, we clear to uh...uh we clear to advance, over?