Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script


Synopsis: In this action-thriller based of the 2007 masterpiece, A task-force along with two groups of marines go after a terrorist with motives beyond your average terrorist to stop WWII. 简介: 在这部以2007年的杰作为基础的惊悚片中,一支特遣部队和两支海军陆战队一起追捕一名恐怖分子,其动机超出了普通恐怖分子阻止二战的能力。

Outlaw Two-Five:

Command this is Outlaw Two-Five. Infantry is making a run for it. We are clear to land.

Uh...Roger that. Ok. Bachelor Two-Seven, let's get those Abrams to the front. Outlaw, this is command, unload half your chalk and take the rest 2 klicks to the west. We need you to evac an advance team pinned down in the city.
Lt. Volker:

Down the ramp! Move out! Go, go, go!
Outlaw Two-Five:

Roger that command. Outlaw Two-Five is en route. Outlaw Two-Five lands near the courtyard and unloads half of its crew. Two more Sea Knights land and unload their Marines as the Abrams tanks begin to roll in. Outlaw Two-Five takes off.
Lt. Vasquez:

Marines! Listen up! One of our forward recon teams has gotten pinned down and needs out help! Cobra Attack Helicopter "Deadly" finishes up around the area and heads back to base.
Cpt. Pelayo:

Outlaw, this is Deadly. Returning to base to refit and refuel. You're on your own for now, 2-5. As Outlaw Two-Five flies further into the city to support the advance team, two jets can be seen bombing an area.

Advance team is pinned down in a hot area. They are popping green smoke to indicate their position.
Outlaw Two-Five:

Roger we have a visual. Outlaw Two-Five out. As Outlaw Two-Five nears the LZ, Jackson fires at more hostiles. Outlaw Two-Five lands near the green smoke. Jackson and his team unload.
Lt. Vasquez:

Watch for friendlies near the colored smoke. Let's get our boys evac'ed and get the hell out of here! As the team moves out, mortar fire explodes near the LZ.
Lt. Volker:

Mortar fire, incoming!
Outlaw Two-Five:

LZ is too hot. We'll circle back in 3 minutes. The Sea Knight departs to avoid the mortar fire. The team encounters enemy foot-mobiles on their way to the advance team's location.
Lt. Vasquez:

Watch for friendlies near the green smoke on the second floor! Let's get our boys outta there! Move! The team enters a building filled with hostiles.

Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Friendlies up on the second floor! I repeat, we're up on the second floor! The team reaches the second floor.

So you're our ride out of here?
Lt. Vasquez:

We're it, Captain! Let's move out before they regroup! Two enemy helicopters are seen dropping troops. Deadly arrives and takes them out. If the player is fast enough, he can use his grenade launcher to take them out first.
Cpt. Pelayo:

Outlaw this is Deadly. Refueled and fully loaded. You guys miss me?

Hell yeah!)
Lt. Vasquez:

Move out! Let's go! Let's go! The team takes out enemy troops in the building and on the rooftop. More try to flank them and keep them pinned down at the far side of the alley, but are all eliminated.
Lt. Vasquez:

Get to the LZ! Let's move! Go! Go! The team reaches Outlaw Two-Five.
Lt. Volker:

Jackson! Get back on the Mark 19! Jackson boards the helicopter and mans the Mark 19. Outlaw Two-Five takes off.

Outlaw, be advised, we have a situation here, over.
Outlaw Two-Five:

Go ahead Command, over.

Seal Team Six has located a possible nuclear device as Al-Asad's palace to the west. NEST teams are on the way. Until the device is verified safe, all forces are to fall back to the east, over. As Outlaw Two-Five and Deadly start to pull out, a Stinger missile is fired from a distance and damages Deadly's tail rotor.
Cpt. Pelayo:

We're hit we're hit! I've lost the tail rotor! The Cobra spins out of control.
Cpt. Pelayo:

Mayday mayday, this is Deadly, going in hard! We're going down. The Cobra crashes. As Outlaw Two-Five circles the crash site, Jackson takes out any incoming hostiles.