Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script


Synopsis: In this action-thriller based of the 2007 masterpiece, A task-force along with two groups of marines go after a terrorist with motives beyond your average terrorist to stop WWII. 简介: 在这部以2007年的杰作为基础的惊悚片中,一支特遣部队和两支海军陆战队一起追捕一名恐怖分子,其动机超出了普通恐怖分子阻止二战的能力。

Outlaw Two-Five:

We have a Cobra down. I repeat, we have a Cobra down. Deadly this is Outlaw Two-Five, come in, over! Command, I have a visual on the crash site. I see small arms fire coming from the cockpit. Request permission to initiate search and rescue, over.

Copy 2-5, be advised, you will NOT be at a safe distance in the event that nuke goes off. Do you understand?
Outlaw Two-Five:

Roger that. We know what we're getting into.

All right 2-5, it's your call. Retrieve that pilot if you can. Out.
Outlaw Two-Five:

Deadly, do you copy? What's your status, over? In the distance, Jackson can see enemy T-72s and infantry closing in on Deadly's crash site. Way too many for her to hold off on her own.
Cpt. Pelayo:

(coughs) I'm here!...Keating is KIA! Hostiles moving in fast! I sure could (subtitles read "could sure") use some help down here!
Outlaw Two-Five:

Hold on, we're coming to ya. Outlaw Two-Five lands near the crash site and unloads Jackson and his team. They head towards the crash site. The player must retrieve the pilot and return to the Sea Knight in 90 seconds.

Be advised, 2-5, hostiles advancing parallel southwest of your position towards the crash site.
Lt. Vasquez:

We got 90 seconds, Jackson! Get the pilot! NO ONE gets left behind! Jackson! Pull her out of there and get back to the LZ! Do it! Jackson! We're running out of time! Get her out of there! We'll cover you! Move! The team reaches the crashed helicopter and engages some OpFor along the way. Jackson pulls Cpt. Pelayo out of the Cobra and carries her back to the Sea Knight.
Lt. Vasquez:

Get to the Sea Knight! We'll hold down these corners! Go!
Outlaw Two-Five:

Lt. Vasquez, this is Outlaw Two-Five, now would be a good time to get the hell outta here over.
Lt. Vasquez:

Roger that we're on our way! Jackson brings Pelayo to the Sea Knight while Vasquez and the team provide cover fire to hold down the corners from more incoming enemy forces. He then sets her down. She groans in pain from her injured leg (in the Remastered version, he puts her down and Pelayo draws out her MP5 to fend off more insurgents). Jackson turns around to hold off hostiles with Crew Chief Lt. Volker as the team evacuates.

Outlaw this is command. We have a probable nuclear threat at the capital. Proceed to the minimum safe distance until the all clear has been given by the NEST team.

Lt. Vasquez:

Go! Go! Outlaw Two-Five takes off.
Outlaw Two-Five:

Ladies and gentlemen this is your Captain speaking. We're in for some chop! Hang on! Jake gimme max power.

All U.S. forces, be advised, we have a confirmed nuclear threat in the city. NEST teams are on site and attempting to disarm. I repeat, we have a confirmed nu- Suddenly, before the warning can be repeated, it is cut off by static as a nuclear explosion goes off in the distance. Crew Chief Lt. Volker and Sgt. Paul Jackson look away and shield their eyes with one arm not holding their weapon to avoid witnessing the brightness of the detonation. When they are able to look back, they stare in shock and disbelief at what has just happened. As the familiar mushroom cloud begins to rise into the air, the shock wave knocks down many helicopters and destroys everything in its path.
Lt. Vasquez:

Everyone, hang on! The shock wave hits Outlaw 2-5, causing it to spin out of control. Volker is seen being pulled out of the chopper due to the G-forces caused by the spin. The helicopter crashes. Jackson's vision immediately blacks out upon impact.  We abruptly cut to The satellite tracking Sgt. Paul Jackson, which labels him as K.I.A. as a result of the nuclear detonation in the Middle East. As Nikolai contacts Captain Price from Hamburg, Germany, a safehouse in Azerbaijan is analyzed as the SAS team prepares to move in and capture Al-Asad.

The man is a coward, Captain Price. Al-Asad would never sacrifice himself. There is a safehouse in Azerbaijan that Al-Asad has used in the past. I am sending you the coordinates.
Captain Price:

Understood Nikolai. Gaz, assemble the team. We're going to Azerbaijan.

Yes sir. I hear it's lovely this time of the year... The satellite tracks Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish in Northern Azerbaijan. The SAS team groups up near the abandoned gas station. A Russian Loyalist flashes a signal to the team with his flashlight.
Captain Price:

Perfect. Move out. As they head up the hill, screams and gunshots can be heard from a distance.

Yeah well, not for long they're not. They come up the hill and encounter the first groups of Ultranationalists. A shootout ensues.
Captain Price:

Soap! Call in air support on that building. Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish targets an Ultranationalist-occupied building.
Havoc Pilot:

Mosin 2-5 here. We're on the way. Standby for air support.The Havoc suppresses enemy forces in the house.
Havoc Pilot:

This is 2-5. We have to refuel and rearm. We will not be available for some time. The team clears the first set of buildings in the village.