Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script


Synopsis: In this action-thriller based of the 2007 masterpiece, A task-force along with two groups of marines go after a terrorist with motives beyond your average terrorist to stop WWII. 简介: 在这部以2007年的杰作为基础的惊悚片中,一支特遣部队和两支海军陆战队一起追捕一名恐怖分子,其动机超出了普通恐怖分子阻止二战的能力。


Imran Zakhaev huh? Man's a ghost. Intel says he's gone underground.
Captain Price:

Well I got a plan to find him.
SSgt. Griggs:

I'm listening. Viktor Zakhaev, Imran Zakhaev's son's, profile is shown.
SSgt. Griggs:

Daddy's boy.
Captain Price:

Zakhaev's son. Commander of the Ultranationalist forces in the field. Rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The loyalist Kamarov has got a location on the kid.
SSgt. Griggs:

And the little punk'll know how to find Zakhaev.

The sins of our fathers...
SSgt. Griggs:

Ain't it a b*tch? The joint team of S.A.S., U.S. Marines, and Russian Loyalists move up to the vehicle checkpoint.
Sgt. Kamarov:

This is the best way in. The vehicle checkpoint is directly ahead.
Captain Price:

Not bad, Kamarov. This'll do nicely. Vulture One-Six, we're in position.
Vulture One-Six:

Bravo-Six, this is Vulture One-Six. Radio jammers are active, you're cleared to engage the guard station. Out.
Captain Price:

Soap, get on that dumpster and prepare to take out the guards on my mark. The rest of you follow me. Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish positions himself on the dumpster with his R700 Sniper Rifle. Captain Price and the rest of the team move up towards the guard station.
Captain Price:

Soap, take them out now. Soap kills the guards at the tower.
Captain Price:

Move move move! Go loud. The team eliminates the Ultranationalists and secure the checkpoint.
SSgt. Griggs:

Area secure.
Captain Price:

All right, let's get this place sorted out. Change into enemy uniforms and douse the fires. Kamarov, I need your men on the ground if the drivers start asking questions. Just keep them busy until we locate Zakhaev's son. We don't have much time, so get to it.[Two hours later...] Soap and SSgt. Griggs are positioned at the guard tower
SSgt. Griggs:

Man, you look like a clown in that outfit. Good thing you're up here, 'cuz you look nothin' like a Russian.
Vulture One-Six:

Bravo-Six, this is Vulture One-Six, we're tracking an enemy convoy headed your way. I count six vehicles in the convoy, over.
Captain Price:

Roger that. Nobody fires a shot until I give the order. A convoy of three trucks, two BMPs, and a jeep arrive and stop at the checkpoint. Gaz, in disguise, sees Viktor Zakhaev in the jeep.

Wanker... Sir, I have a visual on the target in the third vehicle, I'm walking by it right now.
Captain Price:

Copy that. All teams standby. The target is in the jeep in front of the BMP. We need to take him alive, so watch your fire. Standby. Standby... Smoke 'em. The team ambushes the enemy convoy. The two BMPs along with the third truck are destroyed. enemy reinforcements arrive.

We got company sir... enemy reinforcements to the south... Zakhaev's son drives the jeep into the tower.
SSgt. Griggs:

He's gonna hit the tower! Hang on! Oh, sh*t!  The tower falls. Soap lies shell-shocked from the fall. He sees Zakhaev's son getting out of the jeep and running into the junkyard.
Captain Price:

The target's is making a run for it! Soap! Take Griggs and chase him down. We'll handle the enemy reinforcements and catch up. Go go! Soap and Griggs pursue Zakhaev's son through the junkyard.
Vulture One-Six:

Bravo Team, this is Vulture One-Six I'm tracking the target. Damn this guy moves fast. Ok he's leaving the junkyard to the northwest. Get his ass, move move! A dog runs out of the building towards Soap and Griggs at the junkyard. They kill it.