Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script


Synopsis: In this action-thriller based of the 2007 masterpiece, A task-force along with two groups of marines go after a terrorist with motives beyond your average terrorist to stop WWII. 简介: 在这部以2007年的杰作为基础的惊悚片中,一支特遣部队和两支海军陆战队一起追捕一名恐怖分子,其动机超出了普通恐怖分子阻止二战的能力。


Poppin' smoke! Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish and other team members toss smoke grenades to cover their advance. The BMP keeps them pinned down.

That armor is killing us! Use your C4!
SSgt. Griggs:

You gotta get close to plant your explosives!
Captain Price:

Plant some C4 on that armor! Soap! Get a C4 charge on that BMP! Sniper Team Two gives sniper cover as Soap advances to destroy the enemy armor.
Sniper Team Two:

He's down.; Confirmed headshot.; That got him.; Headshot.; Got him, we'll try to keep him covered from here, Bravo Six. Soap destroys the BMP. If the player uses RPGs to take it out.

Good shot, mate!

Bravo Six, this is command, gimme a sit-rep, over.
Captain Price:

We're inside the perimeter, approaching the gates to the silos! Out!They breach the front gate and encounter more hostiles in the next area.
SSgt. Griggs:

We're gonna need more ground support sir!
Captain Price:

Already got it covered Griggs! They eliminate all hostiles in the area.

Cover me! I'm gonna blow the gate! The SAS plants charges on the gate.

Charges set! Get back get back! Fire in the hole! The charge explodes, blowing the gate open.
Captain Price:

Through the gate! Let's go! They enter the facility's launch grounds. Two BMPs fire at them.
SSgt. Griggs:

More BMPs! Take cover!
Captain Price:

Soap! Griggs! Knock 'em out! GO!

Keep your eyes open for RPGs! we can use 'em to take out the armor from long range!
SSgt. Griggs:

We need to take out the BMPs!
Captain Price:

We gotta take out that BMP! We're pinned down until we take out that armor! Use your C4!
SSgt. Griggs:

Grenades won't do it! We gotta use rockets or C4! Soap proceeds to take out the BMPs.

It's still operational! Hit it again!; That's a hit! One more oughta do it!

Good shootin' there, Soap!

Fire another RPG or plant some C4! Or by planting and detonating C4.
SSgt. Griggs:

You gotta get close to plant your explosives! The BMPs are taken out, the team proceeds to breach the air vents. The silo coverings begin to open.
Team Three:

Bravo Six, this is Strike Team Three inserting from the northwest. Repeat, we're movin' from the northwes. Check your targets and confirm, over.
Captain Price:

Copy, Team Three. We'll meet you at the north end of the tarmac near the vent shafts, out!