Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script


Synopsis: In this action-thriller based of the 2007 masterpiece, A task-force along with two groups of marines go after a terrorist with motives beyond your average terrorist to stop WWII. 简介: 在这部以2007年的杰作为基础的惊悚片中,一支特遣部队和两支海军陆战队一起追捕一名恐怖分子,其动机超出了普通恐怖分子阻止二战的能力。

SSgt. Griggs:

Another RPG on that truck! A yellow civilian vehicle going the opposite way drives past the player's jeep, scratches the truck, and leaves the scene with the truck unbalanced. A tanker, also going the opposite way the player is going, brushes past the jeep, and hits and flips the fourth truck, creating an explosion and smoke. The Hind comes out of the smoke and continues to fire at jeeps.

Hind, 6 o'clock high! The Hind's missile hits a cliff, missing the jeeps.
SSgt. Griggs:

Pick up an RPG and fire on that Hind! He Hind fires and destroys the pillars one by one, attempting to crush the jeeps with the tunnel's ceiling.
SSgt. Griggs:

Hang on! Pick up an RPG and fire on that Hind! Soap continues to fire the RPG while the other allies continue to fire Stingers at the Hind, but they miss as the tunnel's wall blocks their view. The convoy leaves the tunnel as the Hind comes into view again in the front.
SSgt. Griggs:

Hind at 12 o'clock! The allies, once again, fire at the Hind but it avoids the missiles by popping flares. The Hind appears to slowly leave.
Captain Price:

The Hind's buggered off!

Must've run out of ammo! Good enough for me!
SSgt. Griggs:

Yeah, no kidd - oh, sh*t! He's about to take out that bridge! The Hind fires missiles at the bridge, destroying it.

Stop the bloody truck! Soap's jeep flips and he blacks out. Soap wakes up immediately, in the middle of the slowly collapsing bridge.
Captain Price:

The bridge isn't going to hold, move! Move! Move!
SSgt. Griggs:

It's about to collapse! Get your ass outta there! The bridge collapses, as another tanker blocks Soap and Captain Price's way. Soap follows Price by climbing on to another piece of crumbling bridge. They return to the side of the destroyed bridge, meeting heavy resistance from Ultranationalist vehicles and troops.

Baseplate, this is Bravo Five! We are under heavy attack at the highway bridge at map grid 244352. Request helicopter gunship support! Over! An Ultranationalist truck comes in, hits the brakes, rams a car, and reverses. Troops jumped out of the truck as helicopters drop more troops from the bridge's far end. The truck leaves, and more come.

Workin' on it, Bravo Five. Loyalists forces in the area may be able to assist, but we cannot confirm at this time. Baseplate out.

Useless wanker!
Captain Price:

Gaz! Gimme a sitrep on those helicopters!

Captain Price! We're on our own, sir! Jeeps carrying more Ultranationalists arrive and the soldiers get off to attack the team. Soon, more trucks arrive to drop off more troops, and even a pair of BMPs show up as well. Soap, Price, Gaz, Griggs and their teammates hold them off.
Sgt. Kamarov:

Bravo Team, this is Sgt. Kamarov, I understand you and your men could use some help.

It's bloody good to hear from you, mate!
Sgt. Kamarov:

Standby, we're almost there. E.T.A. 3 minutes. Kamarov out. The battle continues for a little while when the Hind appears out of the trees and fires missiles at the team's area, some hitting the ground while others hit the tanker.
SSgt. Griggs:

The tanker's about to blow! Move! The Hind continues to fire upon the tanker, and the tanker explodes. Soap is knocked unconscious again. (In slow-motion) He then wakes up again in front of a destroyed red car. Griggs moves towards him, he seems to be asking if he is okay. He pulls Soap away as he shoots the enemy with a nickel-plated M1911. For some reason, most likely due to running out of ammo, or to clear the enemy threat, he takes out his M249 SAW and fires. Just as he turns his head, he is killed by a bullet to the head from one of Zakhaev's men. Griggs falls and Soap turns to his left, seeing Captain Price suffering from his own wounds. Soap turns back in front of him and sees Imran Zakhaev and two Ultranationalist guards approaching Gaz and two other SAS members. Gaz lifts his head up, only to be shot in the head by Zakhaev's pistol while the other SAS members are shot by Zakhaev's men. As Zakhaev walks towards Soap, the Hind behind them suddenly explodes, and Zakhaev and his men are distracted. A Russian Loyalist Mi-28 Havoc appears and Zakhaev and his men fire at it. Soap, looking at his left again, sees Captain Price taking out an M1911 and sliding it to him. Having only one chance, Soap aims and fires the pistol, killing Zakhaev and the two guards. Soap looks on as Zakhaev's collapsed body bleeds. A Russian Loyalist Mi-8 Hip stops at the end of the bridge as another hovers on top of the Soap and Price, dropping troops. Sgt. Kamarov and his men come down and spot Soap and Price.
Male Newscaster:

Something has happened... British Newscaster:What appears to be an explosion of an epic proportion... Female Newscaster 1:Reports remain sketchy and unconfirmed at this time...
Male Newscaster:

Damage appears to be total... to set off what appears to have been a nuclear explosion in his own country... British Newscaster:Maybe the start of something larger that on whether Al-Asad was among the victims in what may have been a suicidal...Female Newscaster 2:What I can see from the hotel here is a mushroom cloud, about 45 by... Female Newscaster 3:...Continue to burn across a massive wasteland, that was once a capital for this thriving nation... The satellite uploads a list of 30,000 Marines that are MIA or KIA in the explosion, including Sgt. Paul Jackson, whose name is highlighted. The satellite then tracks Jackson somewhere in the blast radius. Sgt. Paul Jackson wakes up in the crashed Sea Knight. Severely injured from the crash, he slowly crawls out of the wreck. A radio can be heard, faintly transmitting chatter.

Flash. NBC-1 Nuclear. Bravo - NB-0 6-2, 6-3-4. Charlie - 90 degree grid. Hotel - surface. Juliet - 90 seconds. The radio gets garbled up with a strong wave of noises, and a woman begins transmitting.
Romeo One-One:

We’re going deep and we’re going hard.
Charlie One-One:

Surely you can’t be serious?