Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script


Synopsis: In this action-thriller based of the 2007 masterpiece, A task-force along with two groups of marines go after a terrorist with motives beyond your average terrorist to stop WWII. 简介: 在这部以2007年的杰作为基础的惊悚片中,一支特遣部队和两支海军陆战队一起追捕一名恐怖分子,其动机超出了普通恐怖分子阻止二战的能力。

Captain Price:

All right. Let's keep moving. As they make their way through a field of long grass, the helicopter returns.
Captain Price:

Spotlight. Hit the deck. They go prone using the grass for cover.
Captain Price:

Stay down... Stay - Down. The helicopter passes over them.
Captain Price:

The heli's moving away. Let's go. As they sprint towards a wooden house at the far end of the field, angry shouting is heard as they are spotted by an enemy patrol who open fire.

Contact, six o'clock.
Captain Price:

Return fire. The helicopter returns and enemy reinforcements begin rappelling down at the opposite end of the field.
Captain Price:

Gaz, we'll hold them off! Get that basement door open now!

I'm on it! The shootout continues while Gaz works on the door.

The door's open, Sir.
Captain Price:

Get in the house! Go! Go! They barricade the door behind them.
Captain Price:

Soap! Take point and scout ahead for an exit. Soap and Gaz head through the house towards the exit when a couple enemies storm the back door and throw a flashbang.

Flashbang! They continue to fight through the house and proceed into another deserted farmyard.

It's too quiet...where the hell did they go?

They're probably regrouping. Trying to cut us off somewhere up ahead.
Captain Price:

Stay sharp. They move into the courtyard. Enemies can be heard shouting and dogs barking. The dogs come running towards Soap. Soap reaches for the dog's head before it bites down, he twists and breaks its neck, killing it. He gets up and back into the fight. They fight their way through the courtyard.

Hold on - the helicopter's back.
Captain Price:

It doesn't look like they know where we are (subs erroneously read "It looks like they don't know where we are."). Let's keep it that way. The helicopter moves away and Price opens the courtyard gate.
Captain Price:

Alright let's press on. Move. They make their way down a shallow riverbed.
Captain Price:

Hold up, sentries on the bridge up ahead. Stay out of the spotlight. The enemy vehicles roll past, the helicopter's search light moves past them.

We're compromised! Open fire! The helicopter flies above and its gunner fires down on the field.
Captain Price:

Watch out for the helicopter! They reach the greenhouses and engage enemies. They fight their way through the greenhouses to some abandoned houses.
Captain Price:

That helicopter's making another pass. Find some overhead cover! They enage enemies at the barn at the end of the complex. They enter the barn and kill enemies inside. Stinger missiles are laying on top of the ammo crates.

Captain Price! We've got Stinger missiles in the barn!
Captain Price:

Soap! Grab a Stinger and take out that chopper. Move! Soap grabs a Stinger, locks on the helicopter, and fires a missile. The helicopter avoids it by popping flares.

Bloody hell, he's popping flares! This won't be easy! Soap, grab another Stinger and fire again! Let's put him to the test! Soap grabs another Stinger and fires, this time scoring a direct hit. The helicopter begins spinning before crashing into the ground.