慕尼黑Munich Movie Script


慕尼黑》(英語:Munich)是一部於2005年上映的美國傳記電影,由史蒂芬·史匹柏執導兼製片人,艾瑞克·巴納、丹尼爾·克雷格、希朗·漢德、马修·卡索维茨及漢斯·齊施勒等主演。 該片改編自喬治·瓊納斯所著的書籍《復仇:以色列隊反恐隊的真實故事》(原文:Vengeance: The True Story of an Israeli Counter-Terrorist Team),其主要內容講述1972年在慕尼黑舉行奧運會時發生的慕尼黑慘案,即黑色九月屠殺以色列運動員事件,及其後發展出的報復行動天誅行動。電影中亦敘述了兩個真實發生的事件和行動—青春之泉行動及利勒哈默爾暗殺事件。

That's my soul.
You need to go rest somewhere.
You don't have to do this one.
When I need you again, I'll find you.
Excuse me. Who are you?
Do you know why we're here?
I want to get dressed, okay?
Maybe you want to hire me.
You know how good I am.
No. Don't.
It's such a f***ing waste of talent.
Where're you going?
Stay here.
Shell. Shell.
Leave it.
In seven months we've killed six of the 11 names.
We've killed one replacement.
One of our targets is in prison and four... including Ali Hassan Salameh, are at large.
One of our own has fallen.
Since we began, the other side has sent letter bombs to 11 embassies... hijacked three planes... killed 130 passengers in Athens and wounded scores more... and killed our military attach in Washington.
Some of it was done by a Venezuelan called Carlos the Jackal... who replaced Zaid Muchassi... who replaced Hussein al-Chir.
Black September's original leadership has been decimated.
But new leaders are emerging... for whom Black September wasn't violent enough.
And to dispatch our six dispatched targets... we must have spent something close to $2 million, right?