老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script


Synopsis:While out hunting, Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) finds the grisly aftermath of a drug deal. Though he knows better, he cannot resist the cash left behind and takes it with him. The hunter becomes the hunted when a merciless killer named Chigurh (Javier Bardem) picks up his trail. Also looking for Moss is Sheriff Bell (Tommy Lee Jones), an aging lawman who reflects on a changing world and a dark secret of his own, as he tries to find and protect Moss. 老无所依的剧情简介   美国德克萨斯州乡村,老牛仔Moss(乔什·布洛林 饰)在猎杀羚羊时发现几具尸体,几包海洛因和200万现金。Moss决定将毒品和现金占为己有,想以此改变自己的生活,谁知却遭到冷血杀手Chigurh(哈维尔·巴登 饰)的跟踪和追杀,陷入了逃亡的险境。   同时,当地治安官Bell(汤米·李·琼斯 饰)也在对一连串的杀人事件进行调查,并努力保护Moss的安全。但是,让Bell感到无力绝望的是,他使尽浑身解数也无法追踪到冷血杀手,Moss的生命安全也受到严重的威胁,Bell一边缅怀父辈们的光荣岁月,一边深感现实中老无所依的悲哀。

It finds Moss. The truck reorients as it bounces down in pursuit. A muzzle flash precedes the dull whump of the shotgun.
Moss races on toward the river. Another shotgun whump.
Moss stumbles, turns to look behind him.
The truck, gaining ground. A man stands up out of the sunroof, one hand on top of the cab, the other holding a shotgun.
Moss is almost to the steep riverbank. Another whump of the shotgun.
Shot catches Moss on the right shoulder. It tears the back of his shirt away and sends him over the crest of the river bank.
Moss airborne, ass over elbows, hits near the bottom of the sandy slope with a loud fhump.
He rolls to a stop and looks up.
We hear a skidding squeal and see dirt and dust float over the lip of the ridge, thrown by the truck's hard stop.
As Moss pulls off his boots we hear voices from the men in the truck.
There is the clank of its tailgate being dropped and sounds of activity on the hollow metal of its bed.
Moss tucks his boots into his belt and runs splashing into the fast-moving water. A look back: Something shakes the scrub down the steep slope.
Moss backpedals deeper.
Bursting out of the scrub at the foot of the slope:
a huge black dog with a large head and clipped ears. It bounds toward Moss.
Moss turns and half stumbles, half dives into the river.
Underwater a very dull whump followed by the fizz of buckshot.
Moss breaks the surface of the water, gasping, and looks
Figures on the ridge. Below, the dog hitting the water.
Another gunshot from the bank. Where it hits we don't know.
River current and Moss's strokes speed him away.
EXT. RIVER BEND - DAWN He sweeps around a bend. He finds his feet under him and staggers onto a sandbar and then splashes through some outwash to the far bank.
The pursuing dog's head bobs rhythmically in the water.
Moss pulls the gun from his belt. He takes the clip out and ejects the chamber round.
The dog finds his stumpy legs much closer to the sandbar: his massive head dips and waggles as he lurches out of his swim. He emerges from the river and bounds across the sand.
Moss shakes the gun and blows into the barrel.