Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script



Tighten the rope until it breaks!
Let the boy go!
- Who is he to you?
- My brother.
Then listen to me.
You will become my tenth wife and bear me a child.
lf you harm yourself in any way, your brother will be tortured to death, cursing your name.
Take her to our camp.
To be a wife of a great warrior like Sharish is an honor very few can boast of.
lt's good to cry.
A woman's tears wash away the sadness.
Hurry up!
She should be ready the moment my son returns in victory.
We cannot take this city with swords alone.
We must ask Galdan for cannons.
l will take the city alone.
Let us not spill any more blood.
Tell us your terms.
l propose a fight, one against one.
lf we lose... we leave.
lf we win... you will open the gates to us.
lt will be a duel between two warriors.
lf the Kazakh wins... they will leave.
lf the Jungar wins... we will surrender without a fight.