Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script



What is it?
Who killed him?
A new Kazakh warrior.
They call him Ablai.
Ablai is Mansur!
The child from the prophecy!
l warned you!
So he does exist.
Silence, you fool!
l will avenge him!
What news do you bring?
Oh hallowed tree of my childhood, l've come to you for strength.
l pray for wisdom from my ancestors and l pray for the safety of my dear friends - Erali and Gauhar.
Where are they now?
l need their help. . .
And l miss them. . .
Do not kill him!
Galdan wants him alive.
Sanji, you have great aim.
Thank you, my liege.
A Kazakh warrior has been captured!
We captured the warrior who slew Sharish!
Stop the music.
From days of old it has been the custom of the steppe to greet the host respectfully.