Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script



ls it not so?
When a Kazakh crosses someone's threshold, he puts his hand upon his heart.
But how am l to greet you when my hands are tied behind my back?
l see that you respect the customs of the nomads.
But where is it written that a warrior can be captured away from the battlefield?
lt was l who captured you!
l will cut your head off, like you did my brother's.
You brother was an enemy of my people.
l killed him in a fair fight.
l respect the laws of the steppe.
l cannot kill a captured descendant of Genghis Khan.
But l can force you to face our trials.
lf you pass, you'll win your freedom.
Otherwise, you will die like a slave in my captivity.
The choice is yours.
Where did you get that horse?
My father gave it to me.
lt's the horse of the captive Kazakh girl.
He's a good horse.
His name is Moonchild.
How did that man know my horse?
What man?
The prisoner.
He called my horse Moonchild.