Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script



One day, l asked the Almighty, "O Creator, when will you send my people the fearless warrior who will unite all of the Kazakh tribes and push our foes from our land?"
And at that moment l heard a child crying.
Suddenly l understood that the savior of my people had just been born.
l have seen a terrible prophecy that brings danger to my master!
My liege.
My master and protector!
You will reign for many years but a child has been born to a Kazakh Sultan who will grow to defeat you unless you kill him at once!
So Oraz was right.
Sharish, find this Kazakh child and kill him at once.
Yes, my liege.
God save you, traveler.
And you too.
At last, the child of the prophecy.
ls something the matter?
Jungars are approaching. Quickly, prepare for their attack.
Surround them!
Protect the carriage with your lives!
The child!
Leave him!
l will kill him myself.
Where is the child?
There was no child here.
Kazakh city of Turkestan Sultan Wali's Palace Greetings, Sultan Wali.