Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script



This is the real thing.
l wish you the best of luck this time.
lt happened on the swing.
She was next to me.
Her eyes, her hair... Gauhar is so beautiful!
Why didn't l notice it before?
So you are in love with her, too?
Have you asked for me, Teacher?
l couldn't find Erali.
l only need to speak with you.
We are facing difficult times.
Yet again, our leaders were unable to reach an agreement to unite.
They pull in every direction instead of standing together.
You are not a child anymore.
The time has come for you to answer the cries of our people.
You are right, Master.
Oh terrible!
l bring news!
My liege, l have terrible news!
Oh ruler of the steppes, my master and protector, your wisdom is boundless, and your reign will last many years.
But the child from the prophecy is still alive.
You must kill him!
Otherwise our days will turn into nights, your star will be extinguished, and we will perish in darkness.
What shall we do, my liege?