美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script


这是一部平民传记式的电影,讲述了小混混Noodles的一生。 影片大体可分为三个段落,分别对应Noodles的少年时代,青年时代,老年时代。而在叙事上,这三条时间线又是彼此交叉的。 展现了美国从20世纪20年代到60年代的黑帮史。1984年2月,该片在美国上映。

What do you boys want?
First off... - ... you're paying Peggy for us.
- Okay! That's it?
Go ahead while I tell him.
I can't believe it. My first time and a lousy cop's paying for it.
Now, look, what else do you kids want for that plate, huh?
Noodles was telling me about a guy called Bugsy.
Seems he's boss in this neighbourhood, thanks to you.
- Meaning what?
- Meaning he pays you off.
Will you slow down?
What is your hurry? Take it easy.
If you keep this up, you're gonna come too fast.
Do you see what I mean?
You're so stupid. I can't believe it.
So why does Bugsy pay you?
What do you do for him?
- I close an eye once in a while.
- Well, now you close an eye for us.
What are you kids up to?
He'll tell you!
Me, him, Cockeye and Patsy, we're working together.
Bugsy will flatten you.
And besides, I don't put up with no trouble on my beat.