美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script


这是一部平民传记式的电影,讲述了小混混Noodles的一生。 影片大体可分为三个段落,分别对应Noodles的少年时代,青年时代,老年时代。而在叙事上,这三条时间线又是彼此交叉的。 展现了美国从20世纪20年代到60年代的黑帮史。1984年2月,该片在美国上映。

Take it easy.
The difference is, that they are always gonna win.
And you'll keep getting it up the ass.
Sooner than you think.
Chief Aiello, moving policemen into the factory came as a surprise to everyone.
The press, the unions, especially the strikers.
Well, what did you want,sweetheart, a declaration of war?
- Ours was a peaceable operation.
- Wasn't that contrary to the new union laws?
I'm chief of police, not chief of people.
Was there any violence on the parts of strikers to justify your... My motto was: "Prevention, not repression. " But you let scabs move in and start working.
Young lady, you wanna talk to me, call them "unemployed workers. " Now, with your permission, I'll take these flowers to my missis before they wilt.
Or maybe you heard.
I'm the father of a baby boy.
We heard he's the youngest stockholder in that factory you occupied.
What'd you mean by that?
They say management expressed their thanks with a birthday present for the baby.
You know, slander is a serious offense.
Especially when it comes from a hack reporter.
You wanna find out how serious?
But since this is my first boy after four girls I'll declare amnesty.
Behave yourself!
Thank you!
He's eating?