美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script


这是一部平民传记式的电影,讲述了小混混Noodles的一生。 影片大体可分为三个段落,分别对应Noodles的少年时代,青年时代,老年时代。而在叙事上,这三条时间线又是彼此交叉的。 展现了美国从20世纪20年代到60年代的黑帮史。1984年2月,该片在美国上映。

If we gotta complete the job, I'll let you know.
Wiped out by a blast of Cordon Rouge.
What would Crowning and his bosses say after that?
Never be afraid of you, then.
They're still not afraid of me.
It was you boys that scared them off.
And you didn't want these guys.
You're lucky you got party leaders like me who care about the union.
The strike is settled. We won.
That's what counts. Am I right, Jim?
It was tough for Jimmy not to be there to sign the contract.
What's tough is, you did more in a night than I could in two years of talking.
- Forget it.
- To the hottest newcomer in American unions, Jimmy Conway.
- Now you're talking.
Roll out the barrel.
- And God bless.
- Drink up, Jim. Suck it right down.
You must be crazy giving him drinks.
We're going to operate.
What's the rush? They already told me I'd be a gimp the rest of my life.
Don't worry, with one leg a little shy, you're gonna take giant steps.
Yeah. And always one step right behind you, Sharkey?
Make sure they work on the right leg, Jim.