美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script


这是一部平民传记式的电影,讲述了小混混Noodles的一生。 影片大体可分为三个段落,分别对应Noodles的少年时代,青年时代,老年时代。而在叙事上,这三条时间线又是彼此交叉的。 展现了美国从20世纪20年代到60年代的黑帮史。1984年2月,该片在美国上映。

- In my underwear.
I'd have found it there.
We gotta reorganize, Max.
And I got a couple of good ideas.
Me too.
If I had a million bucks, I'd take it easy.
We'll take it easy when we got 20.
- Fifty.
- Where you gonna get that?
Right here.
What's that?
It's a dream.
A dream I've been dreaming all my life.
I swear to God, you and me together, we can make it come true.
What is it?
The Federal Reserve Bank.
It's the biggest step we can take, Noodles.
You're really crazy.
Don't you ever say that to me.
Don't ever say that to me again!
What chance is there that a crazy thing like this might succeed?
Don't ask me, ask Max.
You know as well as I do that this is suicide, pure and simple, for everyone.
Yeah, well, don't tell me, tell him.
You got your own methods.