美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script


这是一部平民传记式的电影,讲述了小混混Noodles的一生。 影片大体可分为三个段落,分别对应Noodles的少年时代,青年时代,老年时代。而在叙事上,这三条时间线又是彼此交叉的。 展现了美国从20世纪20年代到60年代的黑帮史。1984年2月,该片在美国上映。

Do it.
You see, Mr. Secretary I have a story also.
A little simpler than yours.
Many years ago I had a friend, a dear friend.
I turned him in to save his life but he was killed.
But he wanted it that way.
It was a great friendship.
It went bad for him, and it went bad for me too.
Good night, Mr. Bailey.
I hope the investigation turns out to be nothing.
It'd be a shame to see a lifetime of work go to waste.