Pacific Rim 环太平洋 Movie Script


电影《环太平洋》 As a war between humankind and monstrous sea creatures wages on, a former pilot and a trainee are paired up to drive a seemingly obsolete special weapon in a desperate effort to save the world from the apocalypse.   近未来,地球环境逐步恶化。神秘外星殖民者通过大洋底部的虫洞“缺口”将身形庞大、残冷迅猛、身藏剧毒的怪兽接连派往地球,有条不紊地实施着它们的殖民毁灭计划。为此,人类联手打造“贼鸥计划”,制造出与怪兽体型相当的机甲战士迎战,但随着怪兽渐次进化,机甲战士全面溃败,各国政要试图修筑偏于防守的“生命之墙”以阻挡侵略者的脚步,无奈很快遭遇挫折。在此危急关头,暗中仍推进“贼鸥计划”的斯特克·潘特考斯特将军(伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴 Idris Elba 饰)找回五年前曾遭受重大打击的“危险流浪者”驾驶员(查理·汉纳姆 Charlie Hunnam 饰),并通过严格选拔为他选择了新的搭档森麻子(菊地凛子 饰)。复活的“流浪者”即将与另外三台仅存的机甲战士迎战更强大的怪兽侵略者,同时寻找彻底扫除敌人的良机。   苍茫的大海之上,人类保卫之战接连而起……

Herc, shall we?
- Good to have you back.
- Thank you, sir.
- I'll show you to your Jaeger now.
- Miss Mori will you give me a minute?
Marshal! Sir, we've hit the Breach before.
It doesn't work. Nothing goes through.
What's changed?
I've got a plan. I need you ready.
That's all.
Max, come here!
(OVER PA) Crew 17... please report to the fifth floor.
Zero minus two.
XY minus two. R-E-Q... In the beginning, the Kaiju attacks were spaced by 24 weeks.
Then twelve, then six, then every two weeks.
The last one in Sydney was a week.
In four days we could be seeing a Kaiju every eight hours until they are coming every four minutes.
Marshal, we should witness a double event within seven days.
Mr. Gottlieb, I'm to drop a 2400 pound thermonuclear bomb I need more than a prediction.
- Well, uh that's a problem, then because see, he actually can't give you anything more than a prediction.
No Kaiju entrails over my side of the room. You know the rules.
- Every bloody day. It's incessant.
- Gents! On point.
Numbers do not lie.
Politics and poetry, promises, these are lies.