心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script


亚当(罗宾•威廉斯 饰)想成为一名医生是在他的精神疾病痊愈之后,后来他进入了维吉尼亚医学院学习。可是院内的传统观念的限制使医生们开来都十分不近人情。他不屑于这种状态,于是他把欢笑看做是医治病人的一个重要处方。他总是穿着鲜艳的衣服,带着滑稽的装扮到学院去,为的就是能让每一位病人都开怀大笑。   校方对亚当的行为十分不满,但他还是冒着被勒令退学的危险坚持着自己那套理念。亚当需要克服的东西众多,从医路上又将有不同的挑战与不同的人与事在等着他,亚当仍不懈的为着梦想前行。 Patch Adams is determined to become a medical doctor because he enjoys helping people. Unfortunately, the medical and scientific community does not appreciate his methods of healing the sick, while the actual patients, medical professors, and hospital nurses all appreciate the work *he* can do, because they are unable to do it.

[ Laughing Hysterically ] [ Laughing Continues ] Oh ! Oh ! I surrender !
I'll tell you what you want to know !
Do you wanna tell me what it is you think you're doing ?
Uh... just getting a few laughs, sir.
The American Journal of Medicine has found that laughter... increases secretion of catecholamines and endorphins... which in turn increases oxygenation of the blood, relaxes the arteries... speeds up the heart, decreases blood pressure... which has a positive effect on all cardiovascular and respiratory ailments... as well as overall increasing the immune system response.
[ Clown Shoes Squeaking ] Smart clown, eh ?
Mr. Adams.
When I told you I knew Dr. Prack... did I mislead you in some way to think I'm a pushover, like he is ?
Kindly remove that coat.
I told you you are not to see the patients till the third year.
I'm just visiting friends, sir.
Why are you here ?
If you want to be a clown, go join the circus.
Patients don't need to be entertained.
They don't need a friend.
They need a doctor.
I don't want to see you in this hospital again.
What if I visit the patients on my own time ?
Yes, about your own time.
It's been brought to our attention that perhaps we should be suspicious... of the level of your grades.
What are you saying ?
I'm cheating ?
Your scores are among the top in your class, yet you never seem to study.
That's ridiculous.