Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script


亚利桑那号航空母舰在珍珠港的海底休息了75年。 The USS Arizona has been resting on Pearl Harbor's ocean floor for the past 75 years. 自1941年被摧毁以来,科学家们首次掌握了深入观察船内的技术。亚利桑那号曾经被认为是其舰队的骄傲,现在它在珍珠号的浅水区发生了巨大的变化。对亚利桑那号航空母舰的全面搜索揭示了美国历史上最黑暗的日子之一。船内的发现清楚地提醒着所有为国家付出最终代价的人。探险队复述了经历过日本偷袭珍珠港事件的幸存者的个人故事。它还将亚利桑那号上的一名幸存者带回船上,这可能是最后一次看到这艘船。这是他从未想过会再看到的景象。

- [Narrator] The new self-spooling tether is designed to prevent the ROV from getting snagged inside the ship, a problem that has plagued previous Arizona expeditions.
- You'll handle the ROV.
- Okay.
- I'm going to do some in-water filming.
- [Narrator] The team hopes the new tether system will allow them to look deeper inside the ship than ever before.
- We're going to go slow, first dive, first day.
We're going to go in an area where we know we can get it out, should we have any problems, it's pretty accessible.
So we're going to take it slow.
We're going to head in there and see what we get.
So, yeah, I'm psyched, we're ready to go.
- The mission does rest on the ability of the ROV and the tether system to work.
When we go in there, we need to be effective, and we need to be successful, because we may not get another chance for another 15 years.
(indistinct talking over radio) - We are going to feed tether.
- [Narrator] The self-spooling tether works flawlessly.
But, there are problems with the thrusters, and issues with the electronics cause the video feed to go down.
- One set of motors went down.
- Copy.
- Let the vehicle sit for 10 minutes.
We're opening up the controller now.
Let's just get more right there.
- [Narrator] The source of the problems are proving elusive.
The team is forced to cut the test short for the day.
Despite the technical glitches, the team hopes they can still keep to their schedule.
- We all want this to succeed, and, you know, for numerous reasons.
For the guys that lost their lives here, for the guys that survived this.