Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script


亚利桑那号航空母舰在珍珠港的海底休息了75年。 The USS Arizona has been resting on Pearl Harbor's ocean floor for the past 75 years. 自1941年被摧毁以来,科学家们首次掌握了深入观察船内的技术。亚利桑那号曾经被认为是其舰队的骄傲,现在它在珍珠号的浅水区发生了巨大的变化。对亚利桑那号航空母舰的全面搜索揭示了美国历史上最黑暗的日子之一。船内的发现清楚地提醒着所有为国家付出最终代价的人。探险队复述了经历过日本偷袭珍珠港事件的幸存者的个人故事。它还将亚利桑那号上的一名幸存者带回船上,这可能是最后一次看到这艘船。这是他从未想过会再看到的景象。

Well, I never had breakfast that morning.
(planes flying past) (bombs exploding) - [Narrator] The first casualties on this morning, 35 servicemen who were having breakfast in the Hickam Airfield's dining hall.
Onboard the Arizona, Don Stratton steps onto the main deck, when suddenly he hears his fellow sailors shouting.
- [Narrator] The Japanese first attack the air bases with dive bombers, and then set their sights on the primary target, the battleships anchored around Ford Island.
(speaking in Japanese) - [Translator] We went down quickly, then when we were only 10 meters up we could aim for the target.
- [Narrator] Battleship Row proves an easy target for Japan's pilots.
- [Narrator] Back at the site where he fought for his life, Don is curious to see what's left of his ship.
The team presents Don with the new sonar scans of the wreckage.
They reveal a complete image of the sunken vessel in incredible detail.
- Now we can rotate it in 3-D to kind of give anyone who sees it that context.
So from the sonar data, we have tools that can create a solid model, like this.
(contemplative music) - It's a really emotional place down there, true.
- Don, is this the area that you were, the number six?
- Yes.
I was in one deck above the bridge and the port antiaircraft director.
- [Narrator] Don can hardly believe what he sees.
- When we saw this data for the first time, it sort of put the entire ship in context.
Because when you're in the water, you can only see a little part at a time, but now we sort of have this overall look.
- This is kind of really super.
- So you can see all those open hatches.
- It's super, super, super, yeah.
- Yeah?
- [Narrator] The damage sustained in the attack is not what Don has thought it to be for the past 75 years.
- It's very surprising that the starboard side has been more blown away like this, 'cause that's where the explosion was.
(air raid siren blaring) - [Narrator] Just minutes into the attack, Battleship Row is engulfed in fire and smoke.