Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script


影片《珍珠港》是试金石公司2001年出品的一部剧情电影。由迈克尔·贝执导,本·阿弗莱克、凯特·贝金赛尔和乔什·哈奈特等联袂出演。影片于2001年5月25日在北美地区上映。 电影讲述了雷夫和丹尼这对好兄弟在参军时结识女护士伊夫林。雷夫主动请缨参加英国空军的作战,被击落掉进海里。而伊夫林得知噩耗悲痛万分。丹尼和伊夫林慢慢接近,互生爱慕,最后发生一夜情。

Danny takes a long pull of beer, and Rafe does the same.
You know, you're a lousy drinker.
Drinking's supposed to make men feel bigger. It only makes you stupid. And weak.
Rafe nods thoughtfully, and sets down his beer.
How's this?
BAM! He knocks Danny out of the chair, flat on his ass.
Danny backhands the blood from the corner of his mouth.
You want it, you got it.
He kicks Rafe in the back of the knee, then mule kicks him in the chest as he goes down, and the fight is on.
The bar's bouncer, a big Samoan, moves over to break them up -- but Anthony steps in his way.
Let 'em fight, they need it.
The bouncer tosses Anthony aside, but before he can move in to interrupt the fight, Red breaks a lava volcano of Mai-Tai over the bouncer's skull. The bartender picks up the phone to call the M.P.'s.
Rafe and Danny are exchanging punches in the middle of the room. Sailors sitting at the bar have swung around on their stools to watch the action. The other pilots are wincing with the punches their friends exchange, and bobbing and weaving as if in the fight themselves. A SAILOR tapes Billy.
Is this a private fight or can anybody jump in?
Billy hits him. The whole bar erupts.
Rafe and Danny are really having at it, fueled by so much emotion that nothing hurts. They're on the floor now, trying to rip each other apart. They struggle to their feet and Rafe manages to knee Danny in the balls. Danny doubles over in pain.
That hurt? I didn't think you had any balls.
Without looking up, Danny lunges at Rafe, tackling him around the waist, driving him at the wall.
But they don't hit the wall; they tumble through the back window of the bar -- not covered in glass, but fronds and wood -- and out into the back alley.
They're lying there in the debris when they see the M.P.
jeeps coming. They drag each other to their feet, and run away.
EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN - NIGHT The Japanese task force rumbles through the night, the bows of the great ships blasting through the crashing waves.
INT. AIRCRAFT CARRIER AKAGI - NIGHT Yamamoto's flagship. The clock reaches midnight, and a sailor tears off it's calender. It's December 7, 1941.
The submarines will be reaching the harbor soon. I hope they don't set off the alarm too soon.
EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN - NEAR PEARL HARBOR - NIGHT An American destroyer, the SELFRIDGE, leads a squadron of destroyers on patrol, near the entrance of Pearl Harbor.