Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script


影片《珍珠港》是试金石公司2001年出品的一部剧情电影。由迈克尔·贝执导,本·阿弗莱克、凯特·贝金赛尔和乔什·哈奈特等联袂出演。影片于2001年5月25日在北美地区上映。 电影讲述了雷夫和丹尼这对好兄弟在参军时结识女护士伊夫林。雷夫主动请缨参加英国空军的作战,被击落掉进海里。而伊夫林得知噩耗悲痛万分。丹尼和伊夫林慢慢接近,互生爱慕,最后发生一夜情。

EXT. FLIGHT DECK, JAPANESE CARRIER - NIGHT A single scout plane launches into the air.
INT. SCOUT PLANE - NIGHT The plane climbs to a high altitude, toward the dawn and Pearl Harbor.
EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN - NIGHT The Japanese carriers turn into the wind and raise combat pennants. A color guard raises the Japanese flag as the deck crew stand at attention, seeing the rising-sun flag snap potently in the wind.
EXT. JAPANESE AIRCRAFT CARRIERS - NIGHT The first wave of Japanese planes begins to launch. It is a stirring sight for the Japanese; the pilots waiting in their cockpits, the officers watching from the bridge, the seamen on the flight deck.
The first plane taxis along the flight deck and lifts into the sky. The seamen cheer and wave their caps.
EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN - NEAR PEARL HARBOR - NIGHT The American destroyer WARD cuts through the water, moving back into port after a night patrol. It's CAPTAIN is on the bridge, and its lookouts are still scanning the waters.
Captain, do you see that, in our wake?
The Captain raises his binoculars and looks out behind the ship. He sees something small and black there.
CAPTAIN OF THE WARD That's a conning tower.
Could it be one of ours?
CAPTAIN OF THE WARD He's trying to follow us through the sub nets, into the harbor. Sink the son of a b*tch.
EXT. DECK OF THE DESTROYER WARD - NIGHT The deck gun barks, aimed toward the conning tower of the Japanese sub in the distance. The first shot sails directly over the tower, missing.
INT. THE SUB'S CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT The Japanese sub commander sees, through his periscope, the flame erupt on the Ward's deck; he's being fired upon. He snaps orders -- JAPANESE SUB CAPTAIN Dive! Dive!
EXT. THE DECK OF THE WARD - NIGHT The gunners snap in another shell and fire again. It's a direct hit, the sub is ripped apart, it rolls over.
INT. WARD'S BRIDGE - NIGHT The Captain watches the sub sinking and snaps an order.
CAPTAIN OF THE WARD Fleet command, from destroyer Ward. Have fired upon and sunk enemy submarine seeking to enter Pearl Harbor.
EXT. ESTABLISHING - RADAR STATION - PEARL HARBOR - DAWN INT. RADAR STATION - PEARL HARBOR - DAWN There are two guys left in the room, yawning over their new radar equipment. The Officer, ELLIS, checks his watch; it's a few minutes after seven a.m.
Time to shut her down. That was a good first session. You'll get the hang of this new radar soon.
Thank you, Sir. Hey...what's this?
His screen shows a huge cloud of blips, heading toward them.
I've never seen anything like that before.
He gets on the telephone.
INT. ARMY HEADQUARTERS - DAWN The phone rings and an officer answers.
Watch command... Coming from which direction?... Hold on.
He covers the phone and tells his commander --