Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script


影片《珍珠港》是试金石公司2001年出品的一部剧情电影。由迈克尔·贝执导,本·阿弗莱克、凯特·贝金赛尔和乔什·哈奈特等联袂出演。影片于2001年5月25日在北美地区上映。 电影讲述了雷夫和丹尼这对好兄弟在参军时结识女护士伊夫林。雷夫主动请缨参加英国空军的作战,被击落掉进海里。而伊夫林得知噩耗悲痛万分。丹尼和伊夫林慢慢接近,互生爱慕,最后发生一夜情。

These words go through the plane; and in the other planes they hear it too.
TOKYO ROSE (ON THE RADIO) But hiding at home will not save them.
Each time the Americans have tasted the samurai spirit, they have learned the bitter taste of defeat, while Japan is embraced by the divine wind that has protected our island for seven centuries.
EXT. TOKYO - DAY The planes reach Tokyo, and flash across the rooftops.
We'll give that b*tch something to announce.
Danny and Rafe give each other a wave, and divert toward their separate targets. Each plane is on its own now.
EXT. TOKYO - DAY Doolittle's plane flashes right over the Emperor's palace.
The Emperor sits in the garden, meditating.
EXT. TOKYO - VARIOUS SHOTS - DAY Mothers walking their children see the planes flash by overhead, and like the people at Pearl, they think they are friendlies. A toddler points up and smiles. His mother picks him up and hugs him happily.
Yes! So beautiful!
INT. THE PLANES - DAY Rafe's bombardier works his 20-cent bombsight, as Rafe holds the plane steady, bringing it up to 200 feet.
They scan for fighter or anti-aircraft fire. There isn't any.
Open bomb bay doors.
DANNY'S PLANE runs toward its target... DOOLITTLE'S PLANE races over Tokyo...
Bomb bay doors open, sir.
It's all yours.
The bombardier hits the first switch. The bomb falls toward a factory.
It strikes home, right on target. The blast is shocking -- it blows debris higher than the plane.
EXT. TOKYO - THE BOMBING - VARIOUS SHOTS The individual planes drop their bombs, four per plane, on shipyards, factories, oil supplies, weapons facilities.
Their bombing is highly accurate.
On the ground, at the open-air market, for a brief moment Radio Tokyo goes silent; then -- TOKYO ROSE (ON THE RADIO) We interrupt this broadcast... Tokyo is being bombed!
EXT. THE EMPEROR'S PALACE - DAY The Emperor looks up at the sound of air raid sirens and distant explosions.
EMPEROR'S ATTENDANT Surely just a drill, Divine One.