完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



Are we really doing this ?
It's rude to keep phones on the table while eating.
- Yes, Diego always switched his off.
- Lele leaves his face down.
- What ?
- You leave it face down.
Think I haven't noticed ?
It's not intentional.
I pull out my phone and place it down.
Ifyou scratch the screen it costs 200 euros to replace it.
- 50 in Chinatown.
- Let's scratch it then.
Look here, look... I'll put it face up.
I'll get mine.
But I'm warning you... - If mom calls, I'm not answering.
- If the allergic dog client calls, I'm not answering it, otherwise it's all yours.
- Come on, let's see what happens.
- You do agree this is really stupid ?
- It's really stupid.
- F***ing stupid, come on, guys !
Dad ?
- Sofia.
- Hi, Sofia !
- Hello, everyone.
- She gets prettier every day.