完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



I know the feeling !
Rosa, it's late, time for bed.
Come with mommy.
- Say night-night to grandma.
- Night-night.
- Bye, sweetie.
- Bruno, I want you in bed by ten.
- Hear that ? Ten o'clock.
- And no fuss.
He doesn't make a fuss with grandma.
- Because you spoil him.
- That's not true !
Forget it.
I've stopped taking the pill.
- I'm glad.
- Really ?
Your daughter spews lies.
- You've got nothing to say ?
- Well, she's 17... - It's normal.
- She's going out with Gregorio.
- So ? They're an item.
- I don't like him.
- She does.
- Rocco, you don't like him either.