完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



- He had bad luck that time.
- I blame the tobacco lobby.
They financed the revolution in Nicaragua.
- Which is situated exactly... - I'll tell you later where it is.
- But at least I tried.
- Like when you bred Yorkshires.
You're indefensible.
Were Lady and the Tramp to blame that time ?
Come on... Pass me that plate ?
- You baked the zucchini flowers ?
- Did you want them fried ? Lele !
- Did you get your license back ?
- No.
- Not until the trial is over.
- When's the hearing ?
- At the end of June.
- Are you worried ?
No, just tired.
I can't wait until it's all over.
- Is everything sorted ?
- The lawyer says I'll be cleared.
We'll celebrate this summer then.
Who is it ?
It's dad.
- Zucchini flowers... - I'm famished.