完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



- Sit down.
- Put it on speaker.
- Hi, dad.
- Hello, darling, how are you ?
- Fine, I've got friends for dinner.
- l won't keep you then.
l spoke to Blanchard, he said you can have the operation in Rome.
He comes down twice a month to the Quisisana Clinic.
l'll send you his number, call him.
Thanks, dad, bye.
Say hello to mom.
- What operation is that ?
- It's nothing serious.
Augmentation mammoplasty.
I'm getting a boob job.
- A boob job ?
- Yes.
- Why didn't you tell me ?
- You're a therapist !
- So what ?
- Therapists don't get boob jobs.
- It does seem strange.
- Why ? I don't like my b*obs.
- You should make yourself like them.
- Therapists should accept themselves.