完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



Who, me ?
Do you think I'm that stupid ?
The kids must've done it.
"How are you ?" How sweet... Who's Lucio ?
A co-worker from the legal office.
- I don't remember him.
- You were on maternity leave.
He's a nice guy.
Why's he asking how you are ?
Because today I lost my temper about that case in Basilicata that's been dragging on.
He noticed I was a bit... - And you're not replying ?
- No.
I don't understand people who don't answer texts.
It won't take a second.
This person was kind enough to ask... All you have to say is, "I'm fine, I'm at home." - That's right.
- Why ? He's not at home.
- That's right.
- I was just saying... Then write, "I'm fine, thanks.
I'm having dinner with friends." - That's right.
- Why must he say where he is ?
It's just a matter of principle.
We don't have any privacy any more.
Once phone calls started with: "How are you ?"
Now it's:
"Where are you ?" - No, he asked "how are you ?" - That's my business !
Okay ?