完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



I left the family unit without my parents even noticing.
My mom would ask: "Where's Rocco ?" "Dunno, has he gone out ?" PERFECT STRANGERS - Lovely moon. What time's the eclipse?
- Dunno.
Why did we call Bruno Bruno ?
- Huh ?
- My father'sAmedeo, yours is Ennio.
What were we thinking calling him "Bruno" ? Do you like it ?
So now we're having doubts 10 years later ?
No... - And don't talk back to mom like that.
- Like what ?
Like you did.
- It's biodynamic, will it be okay ?
- For 25 euros it'd better be !
- Pull over and we'll get another.
- Bianca... - It's a dinner, not a wine tasting.
- But Eva's a nitpicker.
I'm not in the mood to hear her.
Then we'll say I bought it, so she can pick on me.
- What are you doing ?
- Taking the price off.
Are you crazy ? 25 euros.
Stick it on the cork !
I'll get it.
- Hello.
- How are things ?