完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



This guy's off his rocker... I would never have thought it. But... You must be crazy !
You don't think I'm... No, he's a co-worker who's gay... and he's obsessed with me, that's all.
Stop messing around, okay.
Carlotta ?
- Carlotta, no messing around.
- Why didn't you tell me ?
He's a co-worker... Rocco, you tell her.
- Cosimo, come on !
- He's a co-worker who... - He's a co-worker.
- You see ?
Have you been with him ?
- What ?
- Have you been with him ? Simple.
Have I been with who ?
He's a co-worker who's in love with me and he's convinced I'm in love with him.
Yes, because fags think everyone else is a fag.
- An elegant analysis.
- Sorry, it came out all wrong, but... The concept is the same.
- What are you talking about ?
- Rocco's right, sort of.
I want to know ifyou've been with this Lucio. Yes or no ?
Carlotta... Geez !
Come on !
We've been together for 10 years.
We have two wonderful children.