完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



- Wait, let him talk.
Talk ? He hasn't said anything for 20 years.
What was I supposed to tell you ?
What were you supposed to tell me ?
We've been friends since childhood, tell me who you are.
He's the same person you've always confided in, and shared everything with.
I wouldn't say everything, Peppe.
He omitted a small detail.
And perhaps he should've told me.
I should have told you ?
- Why ?
- We've slept together.
Took a shower together.
I want to know if my best friend's a fag.
I might decide it's fine by me, but I want to know, damn it !
"I might decide it's fine by me" ?
Do you hear yourself ?
Do you realize what you said ?
Do you realize what you didn't say ?
- But what's the problem ?
- I'm asking him, I want to know.
Let me get this straight.
Does it bother you that I'm a fag, orjust that I didn't tell you ?
- You're going too far, Cosimo.
- Okay... Ifyou find it normal, then it's all in my head.