完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



Lucio's the only one.
All right... Thanks for dinner.
- Let's go, we'll talk at home.
- In front of the kids ?
"Kids, we have something to tell you.
Daddy's a fag !
But don't tell your teacher, or you'll show daddy up when he picks you up from school." - Have you finished ?
- Why don't you say something ?
They're your friends, they want to know.
Let's go home.
You go home.
It's yours.
Hello, yes ?
Hi, Cosimo, at last !
You're hard to get a hold of.
Don't you check your messages ?
l've left loads over the last two weeks.
- I know, Maurizio... - l've called you a hundred times.
- I know, you're right.
- Just tell me if she liked the ring.
Yes, she liked it.
Sorry, now's not a good time.
Well did she like the earrings ?
Sorry, but I really have to go.