完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



And I don't want him to be hurt, I want to protect him.
Because ifyou love someone, you protect them, from everything.
From this... and all this.
Bianca. Come on, open this door.
That's enough, open this door.
She's locked herself in.
Bianca !
Open the door !
- Get her out of there !
- How ?
- Break it down !
- Let's try.
- Break the door down.
- Bianca !
- Open this door !
- Get out of the way !
Your mother called.
I told her you're going to be a father.
She was very happy.
She congratulated me.
You're right not to introduce Lucio to them. Keep him to yourself.
Go on.
Go, go on !
Look how beautiful it is !
It's full again.