完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



You're right, this has become our black box, it's got everything inside.
Perhaps too much.
And it's wrong to play around with it.
But I have nothing to hide.
You can do whatever you want with it.
You can take a look.
There's no passcode.
Nice earrings, are they new ?
Call me, it's urgent !
I wanted you so bad tonight... - Who are you texting ?
- Eva and Rocco.
- To thank them for tonight.
- Good.
- We had a good time, right ?
- Yes.
"That makes two of us" - It's Marika, what a pain !
- For a shift change, don't answer it.
I'm not going to.
Listen... no more biodynamic wine.
I bought six bottles of it.
Figures !