完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



- I mean a real old lady.
With a perm, a handbag... how do we react ?
- She's got to be better than Emanuela.
- Don't even mention her name !
- Who's Emanuela ?
- Peppe's ex-wife.
- She was anything but pretty.
- No.
Now that it's all over I gotta say that hoarse voice of hers turned me on a bit.
It was before... You're saying it was after ?
I wouldn't be so sure.
- But she was strange.
- Yes.
It's not bad, this bio... They're here !
Good evening, everyone.
Hi, guys.
- What's up ?
- Where's Lucilla ?
She has a fever.
- So she's not coming ?
- No, she has a fever.
- We really wanted to meet her.
- I know, she's disappointed too.
- Do you want me to go ?
- No !